Blog #8 Mia W


1.  It was interesting how he differentiated between a mission statement and a mantra with the importance of keeping it short and memorable. As well as having different mantras for different groups of people like customer versus workers. When starting a mushroom business in Sierra Leone we should have two memorable mantras for the workers and for the customers.

2. His 10/20/30 rule is cool and speaks to his other point on having a short mantra to get information across. It is a big problem with losing people’s attention when trying to get a point across and having 10 slides, a 20 minute presentation and having the smallest font of 30 pt makes a lot of sense and like something that I would actually pay attention to. We need to make sure we know our content and have lots of visuals to keep our presentation interesting.

3. Guy’s graph of ability to produce a unique product or service versus the use to customer is interesting because it simply illustrates where to be successful and where people fail and how. We aim to be in the top right corner with high ability to produce a unique product with high use to the customers.

4. Next, his word choice of hiring infected people stuck with me because it really tells to the type of people to hire. Not just passionate but infected with the passion. Infected also suggests that it can rub off onto other people which is a vital aspect. We need to be infected like that to hope to infect others.

5. Lastly, his point of not letting “bozos” bring you down is very important. And his use of the word “bozo” also made it more memorable because it set it aside from the normal phrase of “don’t let people bring you down.” If we believe that we are going to fail because people tell us we are then we are doomed already. His point of being aware of the dangerous bozos, the smart people, bringing you down was also important. We’ve already had a professor tell us that growing mushrooms in Sierra Leone isn’t going to happen but we need to problem solve to make it happen.

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