
Best Practice  for Managing Remote Research Projects

Research opportunities can be applied as course credits under CHE 480 / 481.

Advisor approval is required prior to enrollment.

Selecting a Project

To browse available projects, select “Projects” from the menu on the welcome page.  Each project tile represents an available remote research opportunity.  To learn more about the research click on the tile to find the responsible faculty member and contact information.

When contacting the lead faculty member to discuss the  project, outline the following criteria.  (Consider drafting a document and attaching it by email)


  • Beneficial skills that I currently have which will further the research area
  • Skills that can be developed in the context of the research objective


  • Project timeline (i.e. can it be completed within the constraints of a semester?)
  • Availability for discussion / check ins
  • Progress check points (required)

Research Concept:

  • Research objective
  • Project deliverable(s)
  • Support / resources needed to be successful (e.g. software, access to lab, training) if any
  • It is the student’s responsibility to understand potential conflicts of interests

Registering for CHE 480 / 481

Contact the ChBE Advisor to seek endorsement once the student and faculty member agree to the conditions of the project, timeline and deliverables.  The student should email the advisor while cc’ing the faculty member and include the project concept with plan.  Approval will release the pin for the student course registration.