blog 10

Two specific funding sources include:

  1. Unicef
    1. A large portion of unicef’s funds go to their “regular resources” which consist of “reach[ing] children who are in the greatest need and at the greatest risk. All UNICEF offices benefit from the allocation of these resources, with the largest share spent on delivering programmes for children and the balance used to support the core structure of the organization – without which we would not be able to deliver on our mandate”. Our project and main goals align with the main goal of Unicef: helping children in need.
  2. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – Grand Challenges Africa
    1. This grant supports innovation to improve global health and development problems. These grants are applicable for a bunch of different countries and there is a separate category for Africa itself. In the past, this award has been given to innovations in maternal health and children’s development. I feel that our product and aim fits well with these other projects that have been funded.

Link to our financial projections:

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