Creating a Disc Golf Throw Tracker:
In this project, I am aiming to create an Arduino disc golf throw tracker to aid the user in improving their throw. To do this the Arduino will be equipped with one or more accelerometers to collect data on the user’s throw.
For this project I initially ordered:
- Arduino Uno Kit
- ADXL345 Accelerometer
- Elastic Straps
- Arduino LED screen
- 9v to barrel jack connector
Setting up accelerometer:
Once I got the accelerometer I connected it to the Arduino and had chatGPT write a code to print the data out that I edited.
Once I checked the data was being output I changed the code to not have the X/Y/Z: in front of the sensor value and tried copying and pasting it into Excel, so that I could eventually import the data from the Excel sheet into Matlab. However, I did not have it printing in the right format for the XYZ values to go into separate cells in Excel so I researched how to import data from Arduino into Excel and found that I just needed to print a tab in between the values instead of spaces (after finding a lot of suggestions to use PLX-DAQ which has been outdated for years).
With the data in Excel, I was able to write a Matlab script to import the Excel sheet and extract the accelerometer values into their own arrays. I then integrated the data to find the Velocity values and then again for position values. I then made plots of all this data.
Data taken moving the accelerometer up and down:
Initial Design:
Before I had my parts, I made an initial design to hold the Arduino, accelerometer, and 9v battery because I thought that I could store the accelerometer data right on the Arduino itself.
The main body was to hold the Arduino, the front (smaller) extension was to mount the accelerometer, and the back extension was for a 9V battery to power the device.
Upon getting my parts, I realized that the Arduino cannot store data and that I would need an SD card module or direct connection to a computer, so I ordered SD card modules and a long cable, and I repurposed the design to hold the Arduino and accelerometer on your arm while the Arduino is plugged into a computer.
From this design, I realized that the curvature of the underside was not comfortable on your arm and that the slots for elastic bands were too thin and broke easily. Although the strap slots were broken, I was able to tape it to my arm and collect data while throwing a disc.
Data taken while wearing the device on arm:
Next Design:
For the next design, I changed the underside so it would rest more comfortably on your arm, made the slots bigger, and moved them up so they would be stronger. I also extended the board so that a small Arduino breadboard could be put next to the Arduino to hold the accelerometer and some buttons.
The buttons allowed for much better data collection because I could have it start and stop with buttons so there was not as much unnecessary data collected before and after a throw.