by Katrina Zalatan, PhD

The students and faculty of Lehigh’s Business Communication I (BUS 003) course extend our sincerest thanks to the 116 alumni volunteers (below) who participated in our Networking Capstone since its launch in Fall 2023.  

Over the past three semesters, our alumni volunteers have helped over 750 BUS 003 students develop stronger business communication skills and gain greater insight about what’s possible for Lehigh graduates.

Thank you, BUS 003 alumni volunteers, for demonstrating the power of business communication and our amazing Lehigh Business alumni network!

BUS 003 Alumni Volunteers
Fall 2023, Spring 2024, and Fall 2024
* Indicates volunteer in 2 or more semesters

Anthony Alexandrov Elise Heilman Toni Pijut
Christina Amerman Lutz Henckels* Craig Ploetner*
Casey Atkins* James Hernjak Lauren Pogrob
Ed Bao Elizabeth Hickey Jared Polomski
Armando Berdiel* Jeff Hoeber Susana Portocarrero
Devon Bibbens* Chris Hoffmann* Swetha Ramesh
Kelsey Bodenstab* Tommy Horgan Emily Randolph*
Paula Branco Holly Kabrt Michael Rice
Kelsey Briel* Heather Kauffman* Mark Roberts
Maggie Casella Rikhi Kaushal Andy Rubin
Joe Charles* Bridget Keele* M. Ellen Rudel
Shirley Choy* George Kolesnik Hy Saporta*
Ben Chrnelich Samuel Korab Stuart Schnabolk*
Freddy Coleman* Pam Kornfeld Morgan Schurr*
Cindy Cook Kayla Kraft Mike Seminara*
Cassidy Cruz* John Larson* Map Shen
Sam Cunard* Jennifer Liu James Shondel
Alyssa Curci Stephanie Lom Douglas Shurts
Andrew Davis Lucy Lucker Sarah Silverio*
Drew Davis David Luvish Alison Slivon*
Doug Davoren Evan Mahaffey Seaven Sternheim*
Maia Drugmand* Isabel Mallavarapu William Sullebarger*
Amy Familo Ashley Marks Craig Tashjian
Michael Fife Franklin Marsteller Michelle Tillis Lederman*
Warren Fisher Artem Maryanskyy Luke Traina
Casandra Fritzsche Lindsay Mayrose David Trimble*
Jacquelyn Gage* James McBratney* Zach Troxell
Beth Gallant Kevin McCarthy* William Ulrich*
Nicole Ganot* Annie McMullen Mandy Walis
Cynthia Gatua RJ McNamara K.C. Wanamaker
Jordan Giallanzo* Chris Miller Thomas Westdyk*
John Gianukakis Luca Milletti Matthew Wisser*
PJ Gill Ian Murray* Sam Wurth*
Ann Girdano* Hongmeng Ni Alfonso Yap
Jeffrey Glibert* Kerry O’Hearen* Tim Young
Marc Goldstein* Jim Paolino Julia Zambetti
Sam Goldstein* Julia Pardee Steve Zapata
Muna Hadeed William Peracchio Kietryn Zychal
Brian Haveri* Jenna Perricelli











Interested in volunteering?  Contact the Rauch Center for Business Communication at or call +1 (610) 758-4863.

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