10: Conceptual Framework for GSIF

Our team developed a conceptual framework in order to provide a deeper understanding of Lehigh’s Global Social Impact Fellowship (GSIF). It starts as a relationship map between the key players in the GSIF ecosystem – students, advisors, communities and partners. Its high level of abstraction allows the average Lehigh student to contextualize those key players […]

9: Conceptual Framework for PlasTech Solutions

Our conceptual framework abstracts at a high level in order to contextualize the problem of lack of decentralized recycling systems for consumer waste within the plastics lifecycle. We created this in order to highlight the need for a paradigm shift in how we approach developing solutions for consumer waste plastic recycling. Our approach is to […]

8: Creativity and Systems Thinking

What is creativity? Outside of straightforward thinking Thinking in a different way from others Imaginative Finding the 1% that connects the 99% Ability to be innovative Original ideas or… Combining and recombining ideas in unique ways Silence How does creativity happen? When you are trying the least (the in-between times) Shower Before bed Walking to […]

7: Partnerships

10 partnerships formed before or after GSIF experience UPD faculty Ma’am Jill & Sir Tito forming the initial concept of project and prototyping machines, providing a space to work in, hosting our activities, connecting us to other UPD alumni workers, touring us around town. We pushed into a form and vision with them. We needed […]

6: Team Dynamics

Goals Personal Goals Andy: Gain experience in mechanical engineering and use what I’ve learned in the classroom to improve the world around me Rob: Understand how to balance personal life with a professional commitment Ellie: Combine my passions in sustainability, gender equality, and mechanical engineering to make a long lasting impact on the people involved […]

5: Neem

Case 1:   1: Facts of the Cassituation: The 14 million trees in India have been used extensively over the past 2,000 years for medicinal purposes, food production, toiletries, fuel, and pesticides Azadirachta indica (Neem) a tree indigenous to India Neem is sacred Neem is used for medical purposes, food production, toiletries, fuel, and pesticides […]

1: Research Lessons Learned – The Philippines

Context for this post is given in my last post titled “Reflections from the Philippines” The types of insights listed here should indicate that my foremost thoughts for most of the trip were on developing better team dynamics for accomplishing more effectual work. The teams there consisted of five American university students (including myself), three […]