Archive | December 2020

EPA Air Quality Grant Proposal Outline

Grant Proposal: Rebecca, Alondra, Josue, Hugo, Ulan, Nathaly



  • Executive Summary 


The Almaty Air Quality team is seeking funding to further advance the research database that will be used to generate the algorithm and advice provided to each user. Currently, AQA has a database consisting of over 100 scholarly articles and research reports but are seeking to escalate to next level research in the city of Almaty. Through the funding provided, AQA will be able to begin the beginning phases of an intense research study that will allow a better understanding of the social dynamics of Almaty residents and the distribution of air pollutants considering factors such as geographical location and socioeconomic status.


The United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Air and Radiation will benefit from a partnership with AQA because of the topic and questions under research through the project being relevant to the whole world although it is focused on Almaty, Kazakhstan. Air quality is a global concern that continues to intensify in a world filled with industrialization. AQA is working towards understanding the complexities of the issue from the public’s perspective and is searching for the most effective mechanisms and methods to drive people to take individual action, which the AQA team has already begun to develop through technology. 



  • Statement of Purpose 


Almaty Air Quality (AQA), is a project centered around combatting the dangers of poor air quality through a mobile application emphasizing self autonomy amongst its users. AQA recognizes the major sources of the air pollutants in Almaty like the transportation and power plant sectors. However, the needed action to address these sectors and their large contributions to poor air quality could be a long term solution so the mobile application provides individuals with preventive health behaviors to relieve the consequences as much as possible. AQA is an engaging mobile application that individividualizes its daily tips and advice based on its users’ personality, lifestyle, and preexisting health conditions. 



  • The following questions will guide the inquiry and data collection: 


  1. How can we get the general public to feel included in the plan to combat the dangers of poor air quality? 
  2. What kinds of  features should be included in the mobile application to ensure long term usage by users? What does the constant development and update systems look like to ensure the AQA mobile application is always providing relevant and up to date information? 
  3. How can the AQA mobile application be a platform of engagement and collaboration instead of just a one sided benefit being provided solely to the users? What can the uers contribute to the plan to address the air quality issue? 
  4. How can the AQA team ensure accessibility since the platform will be provided through smartphones? What do the other platforms of AQA look like to ensure individuals who have little or no access to smartphones will have a reliable, efficient alternative way to be part of the project and its vision? 


  1.         Project Description
  1. The goal of this project is to create a user friendly app that will provide individualized mitigation plans that will allow them to reduce their exposure to air quality.  Our app design will allow users to pick characteristics specific to them and their lifestyle.  Then using our app algorithm we can specify individualized recommendations for users to follow.  Our app will also feature real time air quality data within the city and track users progress with making lifestyle changes. 
  2. We are partnered with AlmaU, a university within Kazakhstan to help us with obtaining information that we can’t, since we aren’t actually in the country. 
  3. We are also working on marketing our app through local social media influencers who are willing to publish our recommendations on ways to reduce pollution exposure and improve overall health. 
  1.         Plan of Action: Outline
  1. Use funding to travel to Kazakhstan and stay there to begin field work observations.
  2. Buy hand held air quality monitors to use throughout the city during travel
  3. Schedule interviews with local doctors, employers, students, and other. residents to get a sense of the types of lifestyles they have, problems they have, and input on solutions they think would be beneficial.
  4. Schedule tours of the city to get a sense of the air quality distribution and how the city functions.

Week 15

– Who is Rebecca Gjini?

I am a person that explores the world with curiosity and passion.  I see every opportunity and situation that comes my way as an opportunity to learn and grow.  Knowledge is something that I never take for granted. Knowledge is how I begin to understand the world around me and is the way I will learn to understand who everyone else is in this world is.  I am determined in everything that I pursue and push my boundaries to try things and to explore the experiences life has to offer. Creativity and enthusiasm are also parts of who I am. I approach problems in my life with a certain level of mindfulness and think about what solutions will allow me to live an entertaining and positive life.  I want to live a life that is filled with excitement and happiness.  I am a person who wants to be there for other people and contribute what I can to make the lives of the people around me better.  I am patient, I am loving, and I am a person that is shaped by the experiences I’ve had and the memories that I have yet to make.


- How will you change the world?

I will change the world by embracing my individuality and using my strengths to tackle problems that are of large importance to me.  Climate change is, in my opinion, the biggest problem the world is facing today.  As someone with a love for mathematics and science, I want to utilize my skills to combat global warming.  I want to conduct climate predictability research that will embrace the urgency of finding solutions to climate change.  As a researcher I will learn about ways to better predict extreme weather events and natural disasters so that policymakers have a better understanding about how to address these issues.  I want to do what I can to make people aware of the necessity for action on climate change and to bring a sense of humility to the world.  I want there to be a better appreciation for nature throughout the world and the research I do will help promote that and show people what happens when the planet isn’t taken care of.  


- What do you want your epitaph to read?

I want my epitaph to read: “beloved wife, sister, mother, grandmother, friend, etc. Bringing joy and happiness to everyone she meets”