As a region Southeast Asia is particularly at risk when it comes to the effects of global climate change. Of the nearly 700 million people that live in the region a very alrge percentage occupy low lying costal areas which are particularly at risk from rising sea levels caused by climate change. The tropical climate of Southeast Asia also makes the people more at risk for problems such as increased rates of heat stroke due to rising global temperatures.
The Articles I came across while researching the topic focused on two effects of climate change on Southeast Asia increased flooding on costal areas leading to more people losing homes, and rising temperatures which increase the number of deaths due to heat stroke in the region.
Over the last few decades the rates of flooding have increased across Southeast Asia mainly in areas along the Mekong River in mainland Southeast Asia and the costal areas of the region which is where a significant portion of the population lives. It is estimated by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs that 9.6 million people are affected by flooding in Southeast Asia this means losing homes and many deaths. These floods can be linked to climate change as rising global temperatures caused by human activity. The increasing temperatures are linked to more intense rains, heat waves, extreme weather events, and rising sea levels, all of which increase the frequency and intensity of flooding.
The tropical climate of Southeast Asia and the high temperature, and humidity conditions that come with it make the risk of heat stroke a serious concern for the inhabitants of the region. There is evidence that suggests climate change is worsening this issue as global average temperatures rise due to greenhouse gas emissions. A global study on the impacts of global warming found that globally 37 per-cent of summer heat-related deaths could be attributed to climate change and for Southeast Asia specifically that number is estimated at 61 per-cent! The global warming crisis is disproportionally harming the people of Southeast Asia at least in this area.
Southeast Asia has increased increased incentives to limit the impacts of global warming and they have a chance to help themselves. As one of the fastest growing economies in the world Southeast Asia has the potential to reduce admissions by increasing efficiency and reducing energy demand in the building sector. According to the IPCC Southeast Asia could reduce as much as 43 per-cent of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.