Increase in Live Music in Southeast Asia Will Create More Tourism

There has recently been a growth in the number of concerts occurring in Southeast Asia with Singapore, in particular, being the dominant destination of choice because of its developed infrastructure and strong security. These concerts will create tourism growth, as seen in Singapore with the rapid sales of flight tickets and hotel accommodations directly following the sales of the concerts. The article mentions that many barriers exist for the less developed Southeast Asian countries to host concerts, but they are considering solutions to these issues to help increase tourism.

Some of the limitations that the less developed countries have to deal with include financial constraints, clashes in ideology or culture, and permit applications. However, the article suggests that Southeast Asian countries should work together to increase their tourism which would definitely be beneficial. For people coming to Southeast Asia for the first time to see the concerts, it could be smart for countries to work together to create a deal with airlines to allow people to see multiple countries in Southeast Asia while they are there. Also, the countries that do not have large enough concert venues could still take advantage of bigger artists coming to Southeast Asia by asking the performers to host meet and greets or have multiple smaller shows. Outdoor music festivals can also be a solution and it would bring multiple artists at once to increase the appeal and tourism.

Many artists have demands when it comes to performing internationally which made it harder for countries in Southeast Asia to host them. For instance, Coldplay takes into account a country’s green strategies when deciding where to play their concerts. Some of their requirements include public transportation to concert venues or using renewable energy. One concert venue in the Philippines is planning on having a shuttle service to make it easier for concertgoers to get to concert venues, but this is also very beneficial environmentally. If all the countries in Southeast Asia learn from each other and implement more green strategies, there could be a rise in the attraction of artists to come to perform in their countries. It would also simply be beneficial either way because it is always good to take measures that would help the environment.

Ultimately, there are many ways in which countries in Southeast Asia can utilize international artists to increase their tourism if they think outside the box and work together. This can be seen as unrealistic, but with the rise in artists wanting to perform in Southeast Asia, it would be advantageous for the future.

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