Indonesian Citizens Protest Coldplay Concert Due to Their Open Support for the LGBTQ+ Community

In Indonesia, over 200 conservative Muslims marched in the capital demanding the cancellation of Coldplay’s concert there this week because of the band’s support for the LGBTQ+ community. The same protest group also staged demonstrations in previous weeks at several different locations, including the British Embassy. They describe the band as “an LGBTQ+ propagandist,” and believe that they damage “faith and morals.” 


Islam in Indonesia is not only about individual personal beliefs for citizens but it is about the nation as a whole as well. It is the home of more Muslims than any other country standing at 90% Muslim. Every President has been Muslim and it is widely understood throughout the country that it will always be this way. In the rare occasion that Islamic figures speak of homosexuality it is typically in terms of absolute rejection. This however does not mean that there are not LGBTQ+ citizens residing in Indonesia who struggle with their public image. 


In ANTH-187 at Lehigh University, we learned about a large population in Indonesia that struggles with being both gay and Muslim. Some of these members were even some of the most conservative but were able to separate their identity of faith and the homosexual acts that they would partake in. Yet, these protests that are being broadcasted in relation to Coldplay’s concert do not showcase that part of sexuality that exists in Indonesia. 


Indonesia is largely focused on public image and sexuality isn’t even often talked about let alone brought into public political debates. Every citizen in Indonesia must have their religion on their identity cards and they must marry within their faith. This hyperfocus on religion makes it hard for there to be any deviation from what is thought to be right under the faith. 


With pushback on things that may seem harmless like a concert, it makes one wonder if there will ever be any progressive movement for the citizens of Indonesia. The culture and faith weaved into the country as of right now do not give any indication that there is any movement towards acceptance of the LGBTQ+ nor any desire even by those who may identify themselves in that way.

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