Prospective graduate students are encouraged to apply to the Materials Science and Engineering Department at Lehigh. Prospective PhD and MS students should indicate if they have external financial support.
Prospective undergraduate researchers are encouraged to contact Dr. Strandwitz in person or via email and provide a CV. Lehigh undergraduate researchers are encouraged to join our lab for time periods beyond a summer term in order to demonstrate long-term progress on a research project. Prior experience in our field is not necessary.
Prospective postdoctoral fellows are encouraged to email Dr. Strandwitz with a CV containing a full publication list and areas of research interest and should also indicate if they have external financial support.
Nicholas C. Strandwitz
Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Whitaker Laboratory
5 E. Packer Avenue
Bethlehem, PA 18015-3195
Phone: (610) 758-4197
Fax: (610) 758-4244
Email: nis212 [at] lehigh edu
Fellowships for Graduate Students:
National Physical Science Consortium
National Science Foundation GRFP
Ford Foundation