
Tiffany Jing Li received the B.S. degree in computer science from Peking University (Beijing University), Beijing, China, the masters and Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Texas A&M University, College Station, in 1997, 1999, and 2002, respectively. Her graduate advisors are Professor Krishna Narayanan and Professor Costas Georghiades. She spent the summer of 2000 and 2001 with Seagate Research, Pittsburgh, PA, and with Tyco Communications Laboratories, Eatontown, NJ, conducting coding research for magnetic recording systems and long-haul fiber optical communication systems. Right after obtaining her Ph.D. degree, she joined the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Lehigh University, and was promoted to an associate professor in 2008.

Her research interests fall in the general areas of coding and communication theory, wireless communications and networks, and digital data storage systems. Her recent research focuses include turbo/LDPC/TPC codes and iterative decoding, MDS erasure codes and digital fountain, distributed source coding and joint source-channel-network coding, wireless ad-hoc and sensory networks, distributed network storage, and quantum error correction coding.

Dr. Li is currently an editor for IEEE Transaction on Wireless Communications. She served as an associated editor for IEEE Communications Letters from 2004 to 2008, and as an editorial board member for IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials journal from 2008 to 2010. She also served as a Symposium Co-Chair in ICC’2013, ICC’2008, GLOBECOM’2005, Chinacom’2006, Wirelesscom’2005. She received many awards in academic performance and mathematics and physics competitions, including the Ethel Ashworth-Tsutsui Memorial Award for Research in 2001 for “demonstrating excellence in research at Texas A&M University”, the Chinese Academy of Science Striving Scholarship 1994-1997, the candidacyship and third place prize in the ’93 Chinese Mathematics Olympiad (CMO, the Winter Camp), and the first place prize in both ’92 Chinese National Mathematics Competition for High School Students and ’92 Chinese National Physics Competition for High School Students (Zhejiang Province). She has published 100+ peer-reviewed papers in international journals and conferences, and was awarded 10+ federal, state and industry research grants.