Silent Sky by Lauren Gunderson
Lighting design by Travis J. Martinez
Storyboard for select scenes:
Scene I.1
Wisconsin Sunset - The dark oranges of this ‘ruddy sunset’ provide beautiful highlight to one side of the trees while the deep purples and blues of the sky compliment the other.
The structure of the forest creates this beautiful, interesting geometry with the sunset. Similar effects can be used with the skeletal structure of the set, which I attempt in my design.
A beautiful winter sky that felt longing and yet hopeful, as if there is so much out there yet such a comforting feeling about that, as if you are not alone. Motivated my opening choices of using dark blues and purples to surround Henrietta, a decision which then carried through all the color palettes of the show.
A look into the cold, brittle, bright, diffused white light of a winter day in Wisconsin. Used for Wisconsin day scenes.
Scene I.2
Research into the look and layout of the offices at Harvard Observatory. Gives a sense of warm whites and wooden tones.
Additional images display the lighting as even and diffuse. Motivated by electric lamps. Warm.
The lamps from the 1900s indeed produced a warmer white tone. Motivated a push from the warm sides and tops in the Harvard and home scenes.
A look into how light bounces off of wood and illuminates a room. Loved the harsh rectangles of light from the windows, which inspired me to add a desk special which is shutter cut to the size of the desk. Used to light Henrietta during the letter.
The feeling of loneliness and isolation during the night leads to the thought of a dark landscape with a single silhouetted figure. This image of a black or dark purple empty landscape inhabited by a single, top lit or side lit figure occurs frequently in my design.
A look at what a home in Cambridge, MA looked like. Though larger than I imagine for Henrietta, this gives a sense of what she might have lived in. Also shows that sunlight could motivate some interior scenes as many windows are seen on this home.
Interior shot of a 1900s Cambridge, Ma house. Though greater in scale than I imagine Henrietta’s home, the research provides hints on color. Warm whites and browns light the interior. Cold white light shines in from the window. Inspiring color palettes for the home scene.
Scene II.1
Inspiration for the more dream-like, imagined sequences such as the non-realistic boat scenes. I imagine a cyc colored in a dreamy wash of deep purples and blues with hints of pink, orange, and green thrown in and lighting Henrietta and Peter.
A sense of beautiful brilliance, the Northern lights shine above while below is a dark water blue. Further motivated the lighting of the boat scenes.
The cold white lighting of a lecture hall. Used for the end of the scene.
Scene II.2
A more realistic night on a boat. The harsher moonlight whites and less colorful sky juxtapose the Northern Lights while still remaining beautiful in their own right. This more ‘realistic’ look is used for the actual boat scene.
The further differentiate the dream-like boat scenes from the real one, this image motivated me to light the platform in a harsh white as if it is the bow of a ship Henrietta is standing on. This varies it from the dark blue water-like lighting it is covered in in the dream-like scenes.