Blog 4/28

 1.Refine the detailed income statement for your venture for two years (at six month intervals) or a more appropriate time scale. Explicitly state the assumptions that underlie your financial model.

July 2022-Dec Jan 2023-June July 2023-Dec Jan 2024-June
Revenue from Schools 5,000$ 12,000$ 20,000$ 28,000$
Revenue from Advertisements 0$ 1,000$ 2000 3500
Small Business Partnerships 0$ 200$ 300 500
Revenue from Grants 2,500$ 2,500$ 2,500$ 2,500$
Team Investment 500$ 0$ 0 0
Total Revenue: 8,000$ 15,700$ 24,800$ 34,500$
Overhead Costs:
Person A: School Relationship Manager* 3,000$ $7,200 $12,000 16800
Person B: Sponsorships/Biz Dev 2,500$ 5,000$ 5000 5000
App Upgrades ($100/upgrade) 600$ 300$ 300 200
Traveling Costs 3,000$ 3,000$ 3,000$ 3,000$
Marketing 1,000$ 700$ 500 500
Total Costs: 10,100$ $16,200 $20,800 25500
Net Profit: -$2,100 -$500 $4,000 $9,000


2.Refine the Business Model for your venture based on your revenue model. You may use the Osterwalder BMC to refine your business model but prepare one or more visuals that explain how your venture will work and accomplish your BHAG.

  1. Develop an M&E plan for your venture.

Clearly list all assumptions.

Identify short-term and long-term success metrics.

Identify specific methods to measure the metrics.



  • App is successfully developed and accepted by schools
  • Cooperation between our venture and teachers.
  • Students respond to incentives and are willing to cooperate
  • Availability of recyclable material
  • Schools find benefits behind supporting our venture 
    • In terms of offering help to manage logistics in the area
Short Term Success Metrics:  Methods to measure metrics
# of Schools w/ app integrated N/A
# of students that have downloaded the app -Usage data
# of students actively using the app every month -Usage data

-# of students who have completed each cycle of levels

Participation of small businesses # of available incentives
Long Term Success Metrics:
Liters of material available for recycling -General estimate based on consumption of goods in Almaty. This will be done through analysis of behavior and based on current recycle rates. 
Liters of material recycled -Collect data from app based on pictures of recycled material. This way we can have a close estimate of the amount of recycled material

-Categorized system

Percentage of people recycling  -Collect data from app based on pictures of recycled material. Number of people that are new to recycling and are now recycling. 
Growth/Proficiency in education on sustainability  -Have a pre-test to measure knowledge on importance of sustainable and compare with later tests in the app

-# of quizzes completed

-Scores on quizzes

Household water consumption -Collect data (through government?) on how much water was being consumed on average before and after our app implementation in households with those students
Household energy consumption -Collect data (through government?) on how much energy was being consumed on average before and after our app implementation in households with those students
Increase in biking -Collect app data based on people riding bikes as sustainable actions

-Compare previous data with new projections


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