

Based on the tried-and-true notion that collaboration among peers is one of our most effective methods of learning, the TRAC Writing Fellows Program at is committed to promoting a campus-wide culture in which writing and communication in its many forms are central to learning. In this culture, communication and inquiry are vitally linked, restraints on learning imposed by traditional disciplinary boundaries are eased, and students and faculty are all part of one vibrant intellectual community.

Who We Are

The TRAC Writing Fellows are talented student writers from all three undergraduate colleges who are selected through a highly competitive application process to work as peer tutors in courses across the disciplines.

What We Do

Trained in a rigorous 4-credit seminar course, the fellows assist students with all phases of the writing process, consult with faculty on assignment design, and help with library and database research and the use of educational technologies.


As technology grows faster and faster, TRAC Fellows make a concerted effort to accept and embrace emerging technologies. With anything from using virtual reality to accessing school databases, TRAC fellows are on top of it.  



Each TRAC Fellow has completed an intensive research project about a topic of interest, ranging from ‘Effective Assignment Design’ to ‘Fake News in The Post Truth Era’. We’ve been trained to identify and access the vast resources that are available for research, and enable students to take their research projects to the next level.  



No matter the discipline, communication is a key indicator for growth and success. Communication isn’t just writing; it’s presenting, demonstrating, persuading, and adapting in ways that transcend the classroom… and that’s where we come in. 

Encouraging and Enabling through Peer to Peer Learning

The TRAC program has been a growing project since 2008, and we don’t plan on stopping any time soon. Each conference gives us motivation for the next. Each partnership brings new ideas and energy to the program. Each round of feedback makes us all better than we were before. We hope you join us on this journey!

Students Served

Faculty partners

Conferences held

Cups Of Coffee