At both Lehigh University and the University of Tübingen there are academic staff who coordinate and supervise Lehigh students during their exchange experience in Tübingen. Below are their names, contact information, and relevant information or areas of research and teaching interest. Lehigh students may want to work with a particular professor while in Tübingen, and are encouraged to contact them for more information or to discuss their research ideas.
Lehigh University Supervising Professors
Dr. Lisa Damaschke-Deitrick,, serves as a coordinating professor for the Tübingen-Lehigh International Partnership, although each Lehigh student participates with the guidance of their individual academic advisors throughout the College of Education at Lehigh University.
Professor Dr. Alexander W. Wiseman,, serves as a coordinating professor for the Lehigh-Tübingen Exchange Partnership. His research and teaching areas are: international testing, teacher preparation and professional development, strategic planning, system assessment and reform, education policy, change management, equitable educational access for girls and boys, institutional capacity building, school-to-work transition and civic education.
University of Tübingen Supervising Professors
Dr. Anne Rohstock,, serves as the University of Tübingen coordinator for the Lehigh-Tübingen Exchange Partnership, and supports students and exchanging faculty in coordinating academic study and research.
Professor Dr. Karin Amos,, focuses on the following research and teaching areas: general education with special reference to international and comparative education research and intercultural education, educational governance.
Professor Dr. Petra Bauer,, focuses on the following research and teaching areas: socio-educational counseling, supervision and family social work; work with parents, families and cooperation between systems helpers.
Professor Dr. Rainer Treptow,, focuses on the following research and teaching areas: theory and history of social pedagogy and social work, the forms of social assistance, early childhood education and cultural education.
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