1.*Based on your life experience, skills and interests, what would a design process that is both uniquely yours and effective look like?
Our project should be designed with aid in mind. It is not intended to form a trade partnership, though the benefits between our group and our partners can be mutual. We aim to improve environmental education about the Lehigh River watershed by developing and implementing a set of engaging, enjoyable, and immersive virtual reality game-based learning activities in partnership with local STEM centers and other informal learning centers in the Lehigh Valley. Our technology should be inclusive for all of its Lehigh Valley users, which includes a diverse set of ethnic backgrounds, ages, and learning abilities. This means a range of avatar skin tones, gameplay in Spanish, and other specific culturally aware decisions. We should also include simple game mechanics to allow a broad range of ages to use our technology, and sans serif fonts for users with conditions like dyslexia. In addition to designing our VR experience around our local audience, we must design it with specific regional history in mind. Our experiences are catered specifically to informal learning centers in the Lehigh Valley, not a standardized game for any location. However, although the game is being designed for local learning centers, users from anywhere should be able to access and learn from the game. We need to ensure that the game is not restricted only to people from the Lehigh Valley, but is also accessible for users in other areas. In terms of cost, to ensure accessibility, the cost of our educational game should be affordable to our partners. It should also be durable and reusable for long-term use with our partners. Our goal is not to create the most advanced, expensive technology, but rather an effective educational tool. The VR technology we use should not be the focus of our project, rather it should be the method through which we improve environmental education. Our intention is not to force the use of technology or replace traditional classroom learning, but to use it as an alternative method to augment and improve education.
2.*Identify your three most important stakeholders and list five UNIQUE attributes for each one of them.
- Lehigh Gap Nature Center:
–City of Bethlehem
-Motive to attract more visitors in order to raise awareness about the Lehigh Gap
–mission is to protect the wildlife and enhance the habitats
-Enabling visitors to engage in the unique game to facilitate learning about the Lehigh gap area
– In a unique location of 400 acres of bottomland wetlands, forested slopes. Cliffs, etc. that enables game users to first-hand see and apply concepts learned in the game.
2. Learners (game users):
-People ages 13 – 80 for headsets.
-Interest to learn about the Lehigh Gap
-Anyone with access to a VR headset or desktop/laptop computer can play
-People have a positive attitude towards game-based learning and are curious about new technologies.
-Value the environment to become an environmental conservation advocate
3. Developer owners (Faculty):
-Experts in the technology and environmental sciences.
-Provide funding for project needs through grants.
-Responsible for fact verification for integrated in-game knowledge
-Serve as mentors for LVSIF students
-Based at Lehigh University
3.*Identify three ways in which you will validate your project concept, technology, usability, and business model.
- We are working directly and intimately with our partners to ensure that the educational content is appropriate and accurate.
- We consistently refer to our partners for feedback on designing the visuals of the project to match the context of the Lehigh River Watershed.
- We are working with environmental experts who care about sustainability to design for an audience with an interest in gaming.
- The game is available not only in VR but also in desktop form.
- The game software is compatible with a variety of VR platforms, so it is transferable if the platform goes out of circulation.
- Using the game development software Unity in conjunction with other programs for visual development like Roblox, the game can be designed with immersive visuals and effective game mechanics.
- The game will be designed with simple, understandable game mechanics to allow a wide age range of users to benefit from its educational content.
- The experience offers a new and intriguing method of learning for students with an interest in games, as opposed to the traditional classroom model.
- For users who do not find the gaming experience engaging, there will still exist alternative means of learning like literature reviews.
Business Model
- The game offers an alternative for students who are uninterested in traditional classroom learning or find it less engaging.
- After the initial purchase of the VR headsets, with an estimated cost of $200 each, the maintenance costs should be minimal as most fixes should be software-related.
- Our game offers a competitive advantage because it is being developed as a learning model based on pedagogical and educational research, not solely a VR game.
4. Give three examples of something very interesting you learned from a friend that was a completely alien concept to you.
1.My friend shared a new concept of a cookbook that she came across. For years, cookbooks have been written assuming it’s only one person doing the cooking. This particular cookbook splits into 2 halves, each half featuring instructions to cook half the recipe so that 2 partners can cook with equal responsibility but in half the time. This initiative enables an equal way of cooking.
2. My friend shared that the reason why humans crave unhealthy sugary/ fat foods in large quantities is because of our evolution. Earlier, food was scarce and so we would search for foods that would keep us satiated for long periods of time and would consume large quantities of it. That has been ingrained in our DNA. This tendency contributes to our cravings for unhealthy foods and large quantities of consumption of it.
3. My friend got a puppy during the pandemic. She was sharing how limited interaction with other dogs has made it hard to socialize puppies, leading them to show distress and anxiety when left alone. Dogs show their anxiety by whining and being distressed when the owner leaves them alone for a little while.