1. Spend 5 mins individually writing on Post-its. Each person writes 6 “Post-its” total. • 2 things you want to start doing as a team • 2 things you want to keep doing as a team • 2 things you want to stop doing as a team Cluster similar ideas. Pick one idea from each category. What SPECIFICALLY will you do to make a change happen?


 start doing:

  • Routinely update each other on progress throughout the week
    • We tend to report our individual progress to Junior and have weekly meetings on Thursday wherein . Thus, currently, we only get updated on the progress each person has done once a week. However, now, we would like to update each other every day on the work we’ve been doing to ensure everyone is on the same page. 
  • Spend time together in a non-work context to build relationships
    • We’ve realised that we only spend time with each other in our meetings wherein we are discussing work. Since half our team is working remotely, we haven’t been able to physically meet and actually get to know each other outside of work. Thus, we would like to start spending more time with each other outside of work meetings to build better relationships and get to know each other better, even if it’s on zoom.

 keep doing:

  • Each person present their progress to the large group every week
    • As a means of keeping everybody accountable for their own work and contributions, we meet every Thursday (small group) and Friday (big group) to present our findings and explain our advancements in our own respective areas. 
  • We have an effective communication system on Google docs with personal weekly goals  and check ins 
    • This helps us keep track of the work that we have done individually and as a group.

 stop doing:

  • Stop being perfectionists = focusing too much on little details and wasting time
    • When it comes to the small details like in designing, coding, etc. we tend to be very specific with what we want causing us to overwhelm ourselves with unrealistic expectations for our work. 
  • Don’t reinvent the wheel = use the resources developed by the team before our arrival
    • This is the 2nd year our project has been a part of the fellowship. Thus, we have last year’s fellowship’s resources. We should start taking inspiration from their framework instead of always starting from scratch and spending triple the time. Thus, we would like to stop reinventing the wheel every time and instead take inspiration from the previous team’s resources.



2.Develop a detailed Collaboration Plan for your team clearly articulating your Goals (Small g and Big G), Roles, Procedures, and Relationships.


Every week we have a GoogleDoc detailing our collaboration plan for that week. Each group member has specific roles and responsibilities: 

Udita : Programming

Marcos: Environment development (RS)

Josie: UX

Mayra: UI

Our main goal is to develop a working prototype of the 2nd game in our project(iVR2). Our small goals are our weekly tasks which will eventually help us accomplish our main goal. We have individual tasks that we have to complete every week. Every Friday in our full group meeting, we present the work we got done that week. This way, everyone in the group is accountable for their work and is aware of everyone’s progress. Along with our weekly goals, our GoogleDoc has a check-in box where each team member writes an update of what they were able to accomplish and what they’re struggling with so that the rest of the team can step in and help out. We also have a GroupMe group chat where we constantly update each other.

  → Udita: 


(A) Focus on Puzzle three.
→ Instantiate the grid with random colours.

→ Program it in such a way that when the player clicks on the space bar, the grid should be destroyed.


→ Marcos


  1. Focus on designing 100mya landscape

       → Implementing appropriate texturing

       → Downloading vegetation and forestry assets for landscape

      2. Create Kittatinny Ridge

       → Equalize plane from left to right (Scene 3)

       → Eliminate redundant assets


→ Mayra 


— metallic zinc comes out of the smelter to feed the furnace blasters. 

(B) GAME CONNECTIONS with other iVR games: 

— Three stages of the landscape of the Lehigh Gap throughout the time periods.

— Lehigh river is the main medium for transportation.

— Iron production has an impact on the environment.

(C) NPCs:

  1. a) Mining/transporting/smelting period: Josiah White (monopoly on the coal)
  2. b) Simulation in the Palmerton Zinc smelter:  Palmer
  3. c) Revegetation stage:  Kunkle


→ Josie


(A)  Start prototyping the tilemap.
→ Modify existing Unity features to create trapezoidal shapes

(B)  Merge the Pebble puzzle skeleton with Udita’s grid instantiation script.

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