1. Re-draft/refine your business models further – on each block of the BMC, have a visual and 1-3 bullet points. Remember, these are only “final” for now – you will continually refine your business models!


2. Further refine your Value Propositions – determine what your VP is, and craft it so that it is stated in a succinct, clear, compelling manner. Be ready to present, as a team, a 60-90 second statement of your value and purpose as an entity in class next week.

  1. For educators who need to provide a more engaging learning experience, our custom-designed VR games are immersive learning tools that increase learner engagement and motivation.
  2. We help learners gain a more insightful, engaging learning experience by providing immersive VR games through online access.




Articulate your value propositions for your diverse customer segments.

For educators who need to provide a more engaging learning experience, our custom-designed VR games are immersive learning tools that increase learner engagement and motivation.

We help learners gain a more engaging learning experience by providing immersive VR games for download online.


Discuss your Total Available Market and Total Addressable Market. List all your assumptions and hypothesis.

Our total available market contains the total number of visitors to informal learning centers (nature centers, zoos, museums, etc.). Our total addressable market contains the number of visitors at the locations that we have formed a partnership with and offer our VR experience (Lehigh Gap Nature Center, Nurture Nature Center, etc.). 



  • Through the use of a VR platform and its interactive features, it can make learning fun, engaging and educational.
  • Informal learning centers would be open to using virtual reality games to educate their visitors
  • Learners have access to computers to download the online game.



Providing custom-designed, immersive VR games to informal learning centers will strengthen their ability to provide an engaging learning experience for their visitors.


Identify five things you could do better with your seven-minute presentation.

  1. Justify the problem more clearly.
  2. Define our purpose more explicitly (education-focused, just starting with environmental)
  3. Add more statistics about disengaged learners and then connect that to VR in education.
  4. Explain that we are in Lehigh Valley because of our existing partnerships.
  5. Draw a more direct connection between our partnerships and our work (how are they helping us?)


Did you respond to the referees’ questions in a concise and precise manner? Describe five responses you could have approached differently.

Our answers were not as concise or precise as they could have been. Many of the questions asked were more vague or general than we anticipated, so our answers tended to be more drawn-out than planned. Additionally, some panelists asked more than one question at once, so our answers were unable to be short and concise. Also, we tended to keep talking to feel as though we fully answered the question, even when it was not needed.


  1. Question: What do all the terms flow, immersion, etc. mean? 
    1. How we could have answered better: These terms could have been defined more clearly in our slides to avoid confusion from the panelists. We already had a slide dedicated to explaining some of the technical concepts, so adding terms like flow and immersion to that part of the presentation would have prevented this kind of question.
  2. Question: Why focus on local nature for the VR experience when that is something that the target audience can visit themselves?
    1. How we could have answered better: We explained that our game provides information that users are unable to get when visiting these places (like the animation showing the land developing over millions of years). However, we should have also emphasized that we are in this local area because of our partnerships. We are providing a product for them, and they teach about local history and nature, so our product will do that as well. 
  3. Question: Did the pandemic make our project work easier or harder?
    1. How we could have answered better: We answered by saying that having content readily available online made our work easier and that it was more difficult in the sense that we had to adapt our game for a web or desktop format. We could have also used this opportunity to explain that the pandemic provided more justification for the need for effective virtual learning opportunities (which strengthens the appeal of our venture).
  4. Question: Can you describe from your perspective what boundaries you are actually pushing?
    1. How we could have answered better: We answered this question by clarifying that we are using technology only as a learning tool (it is not the focus of our project). We also clarified that we are not replacing educators, just providing a learning tool. We could have improved our answer by having explained more thoroughly (with statistics) the disengagement among students. We could have explained that there is a disconnect, or a boundary, between students and the learning content. Our project will literally place the student into a world of learning content to help them maintain the focus and motivation that they are missing in a classroom model. 
  5. Question: How are you highlighting the environmental concepts in your games?
    1. How we could have answered better: We answered by explaining that we coordinate with our partners/experts every week and in every step of the development to ensure that their curriculum content is being included and implemented in a way that aligns with their goals. We mentioned also that we hope students gain a broader understanding of their role in a bigger system after playing the game. We could have improved our answer by clarifying that the environmental content is not coming from our team but from our partnerships. We are translating their ideas into a game. Our focus is education in a broader sense, not environmental education. We need to make this more explicit in our presentation. 


Identify five techniques/strategies (content, design, answering questions, etc) that other teams did particularly well…that you could adopt for your own team.

  1. Including statistics to justify the problem we are solving.
  2. Split large groups of images into multiple slides rather than just one.
  3. Explain why we are better than existing products.
  4. Defining certain words/terms central to our work.
  5. Develop a more organized plan for the Q&A section so it is more organized (plan more directly who is saying what)