- Refine your systems stacks.
- Based on your refined systems stacks, crystalize your response to four prompts for your semester-end presentations:
– What is your business / operations / sustainability model?
We form partnerships with local environmental education centers and create custom educational VR games that they can use in their teaching to visitors. We have frequent meetings with center staff to provide feedback, then bring the product for testing into schools, then release the games to our partner centers.
– What is your scale-up strategy? Explain with clear financial and social value projections.
We plan to apply for grants such as Unity for Humanity and EPA EE grants as well as leverage our partners’ networks to reach more interested clients to fund our project and increase outreach. By hiring professional full time game developers and acquiring new development tools, we would increase our productivity and product quality.
– What is your implementation plan? What is your “go to market” strategy? Please provide a specific timeline.
Our implementation plan consists of sharing the game software with our partners’s centers for easy storage and local access. In addition we will train the staff at the partner centers to operate the games, headsets, and computers. To add to this, the center staff will provide their own headsets so as to have a better sense of what quality and quantity they will require. Based on success at our existing partner centers, we will contact their networks to acquire more potential partners. We will also continue to present our work at conferences to build connections with other interested organizations. As we are still in our research phase rather than market-ready, we are still developing our business strategy and plan to release our games further in the future. By 2025, our set of 5 games currently under development will be released at every center in our current cluster of partners.
– What does success look like for all the stakeholders? What are your metrics of success? How will you measure impact?
A success for our client looks like increased visitation, increased memberships, a high proportion of visitors using our technology, and being able to provide exciting experiences for visitors who would otherwise not be included, such as the elderly or people with mobility issues. We can measure the success of our venture through the number of games we create and the physical spread of our product distribution. We can measure our impact with feedback and interest from our partners, as well as participants’ learning performance and experience during testing and release.