8/13/19- Clinics, Training and Market Shopping

Today we left the hotel at 8:30 bright and early, ready for whatever the day throws at us!

Once we got to World Hope, Rohan and Jordan immediately left to visit three clinics—Mabunbuka, Mateboi and Gbendembu. The team sent Jordan to ask CHOs and nurses about preeclampsia and the monthly CHW meeting times each clinic has. We sent Rohan, Ukweli’s quality control guy, to look at how each clinic is storing their test strips. Since we’ve been in Makeni, he’s been running experiments on how the combined humidity and temperature of the region effects each assay of the test strip. From his testing so far, our test strips have had no problems! The original assay color has remained the same after about an hour of exposure.


The other four remaining Ukweli team members stayed behind at World Hope to work on training with Hassan. Hassan has done an incredible job so far comprehending and learning the UTI and preeclampsia information. We are all starting to feel very confident in his abilities to train other CHWs, and he is super eager to start training at clinics. He’s been telling us every day now that he is meant to be in the field and not in a conference room. We hope to soon grant his wishes and put him into the field, however we are still waiting on the approval of our marketing license :(. Praying it gets approved by August 20th!

Teaching Hassan in the World Hope Conference room.


Later in the day, Zach, Naakesh, Sage and I went to the market to get supplies for the training sessions Hassan will hold. We got 300 blue pens which will be given to each CHW who purchases a box of test strips. This will hopefully incentivize CHWs to record the number of people who screened positive or negative for a UTI and/or preeclampsia on our data chart print out. We then bought 5 large ledgers to give to PHUs so they can also record information about the people they are screening. We also purchased 15 cups that Hassan can utilize in the role play part of his training session. We plan on having CHWs practice on each other with these urinary cups before they get certified to screen people in their community.


Zach is a big fan of the quotes they put on the cars and buses. “Son of man” is just one of his favs.

The busy market roads

This bumper sticker describes how it feels to be in the conference room all day.


When we got back from the market we continued training with Hassan. He absolutely nailed it and we had a really good discussion about how he would present it differently in front of a PHU vs. a CHW. He even did part of the training without the reference guide. Tomorrow we will continue on with more of the training and hopefully get more updates on the status of our marketing license!

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