Business Model Canvas 2.0


  1. Creating a venture that has more than one purpose or impact
    1. Greystone Bakery- makes brownies but also helps incarcerated people, their social impact helps the image of the company and distinguishes them. People go buy their products because of the difference they are making.
  2. Make sure your venture or product is easy to use. Provides an incentive to use it
    1. Reel Garden simplifies the gardening process
  3. Attempting to sculpt our venture to fit the needs of different demographics
    1. Envirofit creates a similar oven to the one their demographic uses but creates less smoke and fuel
  4. Do not be afraid of doing or attempting something radical. 
    1. Everyone thought the creator of Barefoot college was crazy for wanting to work in rural communities with his college degree
  5. Having a good way of presenting venture, make it exciting
    1. Even though Envirofit is only selling a stove their advertisement makes it look step above and interesting
  6. Creating a subscription-based revenue stream
    1. Spotify, Netflix use this 
  7. Accept all different types of workers
    1. Greystone bases their revenue model off having happy workers
  8. Making the product personalizable 
    1. StichFix is a company that personalizes clothes for their consumers through data
  9. Reel Garden is environmentally conscious/sustainable 
    1. This serves the goal of attracting customers who are willing to make a bigger impact by doing a regular activity like gardening
  10. Investing in the health improvements of consumers
    1. Weight Watchers creates revenue from people who are willing to buy their products to improve their health

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