- List 10 ways your teaming approach has changed, teamwork skills you have developed, and lessons you have learned.
A. When working in a team, I usually used to communicate my ideas and thoughts after everyone else, but now I have learned to step up and tell my teammates in the beginning.
B. When speaking my mind about certain ideas, I’m more focused on presenting them clearly, so my teammates have a better time understanding them.
C. Listening to others intuitively, trying my best to understand their ideas and work with them whether it comes to improving on their idea or making it happen.
D. Coming into meetings with a positive attitude, making sure everything I do is productive and helpful for others.
E. Making sure that the environment around me and my teammates is as comfortable as possible as a space for sharing ideas and collaboration.
F. Being responsible for the work I provide as well as the success of my team, making me think of the actions I take on a larger scale.
G. Being on track with my teammates, letting them know what was going on and making sure we were on the same page when it came to assignments and sharing of ideas.
H. Having trust in my teammates in that they will complete their assignments, keep up with the material, and continue to put in their most effort. And being entrusted by my teammates to do the same.
I. Understanding people’s strengths and weaknesses in order to better utilize their abilities and create a more efficient workspace.
J. Finally, I learned that teamwork is more than just working with some people around you. It’s about encountering new ideas, forming new products from those ideas, and enjoying the success of your work with others.
Big Goal G:
- Decreasing the people’s exposure to air pollution and the amount of health diseases and deaths associated with cardiovascular and lung diseases in Almaty and improving overall quality of life
Small Goals:
- Strengthen our relationship with AlmaU to better understand the students and people there.
- Creating our survey to identify our prime customer segments.
- Recruitment passionate students to continue working on our project
- Better understanding of the financial side of our project
Scaled to our resources and constraints?
- Our Project goal is scaled to our resources and constraints. Our venture is still in the early stages of development. We have an ultimate goal and know how we want to approach it, which is through a mobile app that will provide individualized advice. Our advice will guide people through better behaviors that can be taken to decrease the chances of getting a chronic illness associated with cardiovascular and lung health.
What are the metrics for success for what we’re producing?
- Decrease in the morbidity and mortality rates from conditions related to cardiovascular and lung diseases
- Decreasing the medical cost related to poor health
Who is responsible for which deliverables?
- Alondra, Josue, Hugo – responsible for developing the survey and sending it out.
- Rebecca, Nathaly, Ulan – responsible for figuring out the financial portion of the project, identifying the funding sources.
- Everyone – responsible for writing a research paper, finding ways to make our project sustainable in the long term, and connecting with the partners from AlmaU.
Which deliverables that require collaboration, subgroups & individual work?
- All of our deliverables require collaboration because they are fundamental parts of our project.
Who does each person depend upon to succeed?
- Everyone depends on one another for various things. We know what our strengths and weaknesses are and use them to our advantage.
Do we need a project manager to coordinate?
- No, we do not need a project manager because we all keep each other accountable.
Decision Making
- Consensus/majority rules
- If there is a tie in votes, our advisor’s vote will break the tie
Effective Meetings
- Everyone comes with updates on their progress with their deliverables
- We review goals and methods to progress towards them
Communication- Zoom
- Weekly meetings with Advisor and team on Fridays @ 11:30 AM
- Weekly meetings with only team members to work on deliverables together and update one another
- We send messages to update one another on our progress and where we may need help
- Email advisor with updates on progress
Team Diversity – What is the diversity on our team?
- Our team consist of a range of disciplines from computer science/ engineering to environmental studies/ economics/business
- Disciplines to tap for solutions; individual learning styles for the stages of invention; overall team learning style strengths and places to supplement; cultural backgrounds , work experience, dreams to leverage for scope & impact of goals, new roles, better procedures; languages for more diverse customer set, bigger market;
- Alondra→ Invested in learning about the environmental issues being faced globally. Learns mainly from social interactions
- Hugo- Learns mainly from reading. Enjoys learning about other cultures and
- Ulan – Comes from the same cultural background as the region our project is based on, fluent in their native language
- Nathaly- Passionate about environmental issues and helping disadvantaged groups. Learns by doing and seeing.
- Rebecca- Well versed in research and computer science. Is a great listener and synthesizer
- Josue- Is a quick thinker and has a business mindset.
Team Name
- Air Quality, Almaty