
The LEHIGH EXPO is a yearly, university-wide showcase of project work from departments and programs, inside the classroom and outside, passion projects and graded assignments, celebrating the intellect, innovation, and ingenuity that Lehigh students have in ample supply.

Although the COVID-19 pandemic cancelled our in-person Expo in Building C this year, Lehigh students didn’t slow down and still completed numerous projects and executed on many outstanding ideas. And we wanted to showcase and celebrate all of it!

So, we are proud to present the 2020 Virtual Lehigh Expo –

one snapshot of Lehigh students’ innovative work.

Just click on “All Projects” at the left to dive in. Enjoy browsing!
Alumni and Friends: if you would like to connect with any of the students represented in the Virtual Expo, feel free to contact mountaintop@lehigh.edu.

The Lehigh Expo could not happen without the collaborative partnership between the Office of Creative Inquiry, Office of Admissions, and Lehigh’s colleges and programs. The members of this year’s Expo Planning Committee are:
Bill Whitney, Creative Inquiry
Chayah Wilbers, P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science
Emily Ford, College of Business
Beth Pelton, College of Arts and Sciences
Erica Balco, College of Arts and Sciences
Brian Slocum, Wilbur Powerhouse Design Labs
Neil Gogno, Admissions
Katie Iobst, Admissions
Kimberly Bruno, Creative Inquiry

And special thanks to Bobby Siegfried, Ashley Ryan, and Ilena Key from LTS for their incredible work getting this site built and running!