Fashion Design Renderings – F. Yang
Student Name(s): Fan Yang
Course: DES/THTR 089 – Introduction to Fashion Design
Faculty Member: Erica Hoelscher
Project Details: Document
Project description:
"This series of fashion design is for THTR 089 Intro to Fashion Design. In this Mood Swing project, each student firstly creates a mood board with one song and works from a modern artist. Then mood boards are switched and randomly assigned to other students. Students will create fashion design based on the harmonious or dissonant emotions provoked by the song and the artworks.
The mood board I use is from my classmate Dominique Voitek. My design is inspired by the works of Donald Baechler and the song Up Where We Belong. The design elements are mainly from nature, such as roses, Chinese orchids, rivers and corals"