Corinne Lyght’s Blog Post #3: Week Ending June 10

This week during class, we talked more about corporations as a whole and questioned what a corporation’s real responsibility is and should be. The WSJ article about Merck and pharmaceutical companies was a very interesting discussion that we had. It really made me question if any company is really putting the people first. I feel like a pharmaceutical company should be putting the consumers first, but I see that that is not necessarily the case. It makes me wonder if there is anyone/anything that should be caring for individuals as the first priority. This class is constantly challenging my thinking and my rationale for concepts that seem straightforward. I have been able to see all the nuances, but at the same time it is constantly making me question where we should be placing our trust. 

This week at work I was given more opportunities to work on different projects and given more creative reign. There is a lot of freedom Lucia gives us, which I have adjusted to and have more confidence with. Also, with this being our first full week in the office, I have finally experienced the hybrid working environment. It has been good to see what aspects of both environments I like and how I can remain productive in both places. For example, when I am remote, I know I need to leave my room and work in a cafe with other people. It is what keeps me focused and also a way to still have a social aspect to the workday.

Also, the concept of “breaks” in the workplace in Italy is very different from the US and it has been fun to see the differences each day. Lucia is constantly telling Danny and I to stop staring at our computer for as long as we do and to go for walks and take a break. She says to call a family member, walk around the block or go grab food. It is very different from what we are used to and sometimes I just want to keep working, so it has forced me to try something new and see a different perspective for why breaks are important in Italian culture. 


Last week, we visited Lugano, Switzerland which was a very entertaining experience. We misjudged how long it would take to get to the train station, so we ended up running through the train station to make it. We made it one minute early and then ended up sitting on the train for an hour until we had to switch trains because the train had broken down. However, after that it ended up being a great day. The food was amazing and the lake and views of the mountain were so special. We did a lot of window shopping because of how expensive all the stores were, but it was really fun. 

In Milan, it has also been really special to see how all of us want to spend time together. On Thursday, we all went out to dinner (all 25 of us) for Sam Rosen’s birthday and it was just really nice to spend time with each other. All of us did not know each other before this trip and it is really nice to know that when we do go back to Lehigh, we will have gained new friends.


Group photo from the Alps today!


Picture of the lake today after hiking for 45 minutes

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