Tiffany Chen’s Blog Post #4: Week Ending June 17, 2023

This week in Professor Gupta’s class we held an in-class debate on Monday and screened the movie, A Civil Action, on Wednesday. The discussion centered around the validity of the 2019 Business Roundtable Statement in relation to the statement released in 1997. Since we were assigned a side to argue, it was really interesting to see how both sides were able to argue their position regardless of whether it aligned with their personal opinions or not. I also enjoyed the movie as it gave insight into what kinds of decisions corporations must make and the ethical issues they must consider. Based on a true story, the movie follows Jan Schlichtmann, a personal injury lawyer, as he tackles a challenging case. He represents the families in a small town in Woburn, Massachusetts who suffered from drinking water that was believed to be contaminated with toxic chemicals by W.R. Grace, a nearby corporation. Schlichtmann and his legal team face numerous obstacles and eventually go bankrupt in this pursuit of justice. A Civil Action highlights the ethical dilemmas faced by lawyers, the complexities of the legal system, and the toll these high-stakes cases have on individuals. Overall, it was a great movie and made me reevaluate my current perception of corporations and the legal system.


During my internship, Lili and I created more content for SuiteFood’s social media platforms. Going into “the office” made me realize how difficult it is to run a startup. While Lili and I were curating content for the brand, our boss was sorting through Amazon packages and delivering them to the nearby residences. Delivering these packages is a means for our boss to fund the next launch of products. In a way, it makes me appreciate the hustle and her passion for her startup. She decided to go the non-traditional route to pursue her passion for food and is finding ways to sustain this lifestyle. I do not know many people who would be willing to follow in her shoes.


Traveling this week led me to Florence, Pompeii, and Naples. The day trip to Florence was wonderful and I got to check off another location off of my bucket list. We grabbed lunch at a viral sandwich shop recommended by TikTok and sipped on wine that was served through a hole in the wall. The view of the city from Piazzale Michelangelo was stunning and observing the artwork in the Accademia Gallery made me appreciate the talent that I do not possess. Pompeii was just a wonder. It is amazing how the bodies of the victims of the volcanic eruption were able to be preserved by calcified layers of ash. Naples was less glamorous and made me thankful to be back in Milan.

Viral sandwich shop recommended by TikTok
Wine served through a hole in the wall in Florence
View of Florence from Piazzale Michelangelo
Michelangelo’s David at the Accademia Gallery
Catacombs in Naples
This skeleton in the Catacombs was created from the bones of many individuals
Casts of the Pompeii victims

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