Dane Ishibashi’s Blog Post #5: Week Ending June 24, 2023

This week in class we discussed the Apple case study and its potentially unethical working conditions from using oversea suppliers. The interesting part of this case is that it directly related to everyone as we all own an iPhone and the fact we are still using their products despite knowing the accusations against Apple can be seen as problematic. With this in mind, the ethical dilemma discussed was whether or not we should be able to hold the same ethical standards in different countries. While my initial answer was yes we should, after discussion, I’ve come to seen the difficulties of trying to apply what I consider ethical across so many different cultures. Even for a company like Apple, who has suppliers in many countries, just trying to hold them to certain conditions is very hard. Overall, this discussion has left me thinking more about how can we make an ethical standard that everyone in the world can hold.


At my internship at Tempocasa, we presented the our second project to our supervisor. This one was an analysis of their current workflows and recommendations for improvements. After carefully looking over the departments operations, we made a few recommendations we thought would be very helpful. The first one was to add an extra call if the selling process of the house takes a while. This was to prevent detractors if customers begin to feel impatient for the house not selling. The second recommendation was to start directly asking customers for reviews to boost the company’s image. While these were our main two, there were also a few smaller changes we recommended for quality of life.


This week started with the end of our Naples trip. Naples was such a great place to visit and I can honestly say that the pizza lives up to the hype. The best part of Naples was Pompeii, which was such a cool site to see. I would recommend anybody with the opportunity to visit Pompeii as it has been one of my favorite things to see in Italy so far. Back in Milan, after not having American food in a while, me and a couple others decided to go to Hamerica’s for a burger. While the food was pretty good, eating a burger after so long was really great. Now, since I have satisfied mt craving for American food, I am going to enjoy all the best Italian food the rest of this study abroad I can.

The New York Burger from Hamerica
A view overlooking Pompeii
One of the few paintings recovered at Pompeii

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