Ava Mian’s Blog Post #5: Week ending 6/24/2023

This week in our Corporate Social Responsibility class, we further discussed the movie “A Civil Action”. We talked about how difficult it is to hold large corporations accountable for their actions when it comes to environmental protection. We discussed how smaller firms might not want to spend all of their money on researching the environmental damage that a large company is doing, which can lead to larger companies getting a “free pass” at times. We also talked about how some corporations do not want to follow the rules, which can lead to the government or the president taking away their funding. I am looking forward to how the movie Erin Brockovich will compare with this one and I am interested in learning more about how the law works when it is applied to corporations. 


In my law internship this week, we began sending out invitations to large corporations in Milan regarding an event that is being organized by the British Chamber of Commerce. This event is being held to talk about Brexit and the effects it has had on big businesses and finances. It was very interesting to see all of the well known companies on the list and how interconnected my firm is with the British Chamber of Commerce. Additionally, I completed my search for international labor law firms that represent employees so that they may potentially join my firm’s international network of labor lawyers. Lastly, I learned a lot about Italian labor law and discussed what I have learned with my boss so that I may write an article about it.


This past weekend, Emily, Sophia, Bella, and I finished up our weekend in Paris. We went to a famous bakery, explored landmarks including the Arc de Triomphe and the Sacre Coeur, and we were able to do some shopping too! We flew home Sunday night and boarded our flight to Puglia on Friday, which has been a lot of flying! In Puglia, we got an amazing Airbnb that was very close to the beaches. It was great to sit out and relax on the beautiful beach after a long week of work and classes with Bella, Sophia, Tiffany, and Emily! We ate at a few different Italian restaurants and were able to explore the area after swimming for most of the day.

The beautiful beach in Puglia
A small souvenir shop that we passed by


Sophia, Emily, Bella, and I at Sacre Coeur!


The view of the Eiffel Tower!

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