Corinne Lyght Blog Post: Week Ending July 1st, 2023

  1. Academics

This week we did not have an in-person class, but we did have to watch the movie “Erin Brockovich” and also work on our final projects with our group members. I really enjoyed the movie that we watched, and I think it showed a perspective of someone doing the right thing regardless of the financial burden or the repercussions that may be faced. In comparison to the other movie we watched, “A Civil Action” this a very different outcome. I feel like in the previous movie, we saw the perspective that ego can ruin everything, but also sometimes doing the right thing or fighting for the right thing does not guarantee you anything. In this movie, we saw the opposite perspective and it showed the viewpoint that doing the right thing regardless of the potential outcome is the right thing to do. I think it is important to see this story because in my opinion there is a right or wrong, and PG&E ignoring the health effects was 100% wrong and there needed to be action. Erin Brockovich could have lost everything, but she fought for these people who were underrepresented and taken advantage of. It is a reminder that I hope I always do what’s right even if its hard. I never want to get to the point where I am so focused on money and “winning” that I forget the bigger picture.


2. Internship

This week at work was similar to the past weeks. I have my daily routine, which includes “Front Office” assignments. I check all the messages, answer any questions, and provide all the necessary documentation before a stay. However, since Lucia got back from vacation this week, we also had to present our projects that we have been working on. We had not really gotten a lot of guidance on what we were supposed to do, so it was both nice and nerve-racking to share what we had done. We were on the right track for the assignment, but Lucia was able to give us more detailed guidelines and as soon as she did that, the project was exactly how she wanted. It was just a reminder that while American and Italian work environments and methods may be different, we were able to take aspects of both and get the assignment done. Also, this week we had the networking event. My favorite part of the night was my boss meeting some of the Lehigh people and vice versa. Everyone seemed to get along and have really nice conversations. Not to mention, the next day Lucia told me that she “really liked everyone and everyone was so thoughtful.” It was really nice to make these connections and see world’s collide.


3. Travel

Last weekend, I was in Rome with Caroline and Arianna, which was so much fun. I think Rome may be my favorite food location. I had the best carbonara since being here. We visited the Vatican and then on Sunday saw the Colosseum. It has been one of my favorite locations I have visited on the trip. I wish I was there for longer.

Then, this weekend, 22 of us rented a villa in Tuscany. It was a special weekend, spending time with everyone on our last weekend trip. We accidentally bought way too much cereal and ate all of it. There was a lot of cooking and a lot of laughs. It is funny to think I barely knew anyone before coming on this trip, and it is really nice to see how we now all have this special bond. As this is the end of our last full week in Italy, I really am grateful for this experience and opening my circle. We all come from our own bubbles at school, but I think having this experience opened new perspectives that would never have been possible if we did not come to Italy together for 6 weeks.



Caroline and I in Rome


The Colosseum

In Tuscany this past weekend.

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