Ava Mian’s Blog Post #6: Week Ending July 1st, 2023

This week, we did not have our regular classes, but we were assigned to watch the movie Erin Brockovich. This movie told the story of a single mom with three kids who got into a car accident. She was represented by an attorney who she later worked for and helped with a case regarding Chromium 6 in the water, which was caused by a corporation called PG&E. This movie was very similar to the movie “A Civil Action”, which we watched in class earlier. Both of these movies depicted large corporations taking advantage of their power by hiding important health information from the public regarding unsafe water. There were many similarities I saw between these movies such as the struggles a plaintiff lawyer has to go through while investigating large corporations as well as the amount of effort it takes to reach a settlement. It was also interesting to see the struggles a single mom must face in a career that is so demanding.

In my internship this week, I helped my boss draft a speech regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace. Since my boss is a labor attorney, he is making a speech about DEI in the workplace at an international conference. I learned about certain diversity and inclusion policies in the workplace in Europe. This was a very interesting task to work on, as I have learned a lot about DEI from my position in my sorority. Additionally, I was in contact with the New York co-chair of my boss’s international association of lawyers. We discussed the potential addition of firms I found for their network. It was a big change to be speaking with someone from the U.S., rather than someone from Italy. Finally, I began working on a labor law article for my boss.

This past Sunday, Sophia, Bella, Emily, Tiffany, and I finished up our weekend in Puglia. We explored the area more while stopping in shops and gelaterias along the way. Puglia was even more breathtaking than I expected, as it had a very strong Mediterranean influence. We finished our time in Puglia with a rooftop lunch at a beautiful restaurant with an amazing view of the Adriatic Sea. It was one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to. I stayed in Milan for my last weekend, as my family is coming to visit this weekend. I am very excited to see them after being in Europe for so long. We are going to travel throughout Italy as well as France together. This is the best way to end a great trip!

Sophia and I at a rooftop restaurant for lunch in Puglia!
The beautiful view of the Adriatic Sea!
The streets of Puglia
My view from Aparto that I will miss so much!

Ava Mian’s Blog Post #5: Week ending 6/24/2023

This week in our Corporate Social Responsibility class, we further discussed the movie “A Civil Action”. We talked about how difficult it is to hold large corporations accountable for their actions when it comes to environmental protection. We discussed how smaller firms might not want to spend all of their money on researching the environmental damage that a large company is doing, which can lead to larger companies getting a “free pass” at times. We also talked about how some corporations do not want to follow the rules, which can lead to the government or the president taking away their funding. I am looking forward to how the movie Erin Brockovich will compare with this one and I am interested in learning more about how the law works when it is applied to corporations. 


In my law internship this week, we began sending out invitations to large corporations in Milan regarding an event that is being organized by the British Chamber of Commerce. This event is being held to talk about Brexit and the effects it has had on big businesses and finances. It was very interesting to see all of the well known companies on the list and how interconnected my firm is with the British Chamber of Commerce. Additionally, I completed my search for international labor law firms that represent employees so that they may potentially join my firm’s international network of labor lawyers. Lastly, I learned a lot about Italian labor law and discussed what I have learned with my boss so that I may write an article about it.


This past weekend, Emily, Sophia, Bella, and I finished up our weekend in Paris. We went to a famous bakery, explored landmarks including the Arc de Triomphe and the Sacre Coeur, and we were able to do some shopping too! We flew home Sunday night and boarded our flight to Puglia on Friday, which has been a lot of flying! In Puglia, we got an amazing Airbnb that was very close to the beaches. It was great to sit out and relax on the beautiful beach after a long week of work and classes with Bella, Sophia, Tiffany, and Emily! We ate at a few different Italian restaurants and were able to explore the area after swimming for most of the day.

The beautiful beach in Puglia
A small souvenir shop that we passed by


Sophia, Emily, Bella, and I at Sacre Coeur!


The view of the Eiffel Tower!

Ava Mian’s Blog Post #4: Week ending 6/17/2023

In our CSR class this week, we discussed a lot of important topics regarding taxpayer money. It was very thought provoking to talk about how many things we would like to change, like universal college, but also having to figure out where the funding would come from. We also talked about the BRT statement of their commitments to their employees, suppliers, and the environment. It was interesting to debate whether or not their statement was legitimate and if it would foster real change throughout the biggest corporations in the world. The Civil Action movie was also very eye opening, as we talked about how big corporations’ lack of social responsibility can lead to death.


At my internship this week, I continued my search for international labor plaintiffs firms to join my company’s international association. I spoke with an employment attorney from the US about finding law firms that fit their specific criteria, which was very eye opening. Additionally, I wrote my firm’s weekly newsletter. I went out to lunch with my coworkers every day and I am getting so much closer with them. It is the highlight of the work day to sit in the park and eat lunch together! We normally finish up lunch by walking to a local cafe and getting an espresso! I understand why Italian culture places so much emphasis on lunch time, because it has been a great experience so far.


This week in Milan, Bella, Sophia, and I traveled to Lake Como on Sunday. The lake and mountains were spectacular! We got lunch in Varenna and I got the opportunity to try their homemade tiramisu, which was so good. We took the ferry to Bellagio and spent the day by the beach. On our way back, we stopped for focaccia and gelato before getting back on the train. On Friday, we left on our flight to Paris. We got an amazing breakfast at a French cafe and saw the Mona Lisa at the Lourve. We also saw this Eiffel Tower, which was even more impressive and amazing than I thought it would be!


The Mona Lisa!
Lunch at Bellagio in Lake Como!
The beautiful view of the mountains at Lake Como
Sophia, Emily, and Bella taking in the art at the Louvre.

Ava Mian’s Blog Post #3: Week Ending 06/10/2023

This week in our CSR course, we watched a documentary called “The Corporation”. It was sad to see how many advertising and marketing techniques were used by big companies to manipulate consumers. Advertising to children was one of the more problematic parts I noticed in the documentary. Toy, fast food, and movie advertisements try to get children to nag their parents to buy their products. Even though parents obviously do not want their kids to nag for new toys and fast food, a woman who works for a company that targets children said that she didn’t know if it was ethical but it’s their job to sell the product. This proved most of my assumptions about corporate greed and no care for consumers. It was interesting to see how a lot of companies use undercover and subliminal advertising in order to spread information about their products. 


In my internship at AL Assistenza Legale this week, I continued my search for international law firms that represent employees to join the international association of lawyers that my company is a part of. It has been very interesting to expand my knowledge of law in different countries and how important it is to have international relations between these firms. I was able to draft my first newsletter for my company, as well. Since I am responsible for writing articles for the company newsletter every two weeks, I wrote my first newsletter on employee data security and privacy at work. I discussed different Italian laws in relation to data protection and security in the workplace, which was very new and different from the US laws that I have learned in my Lehigh courses.


In Milan, I continued to explore the city and went to different cafes. My coworkers have been showing me new places to eat during lunch and it has been fun trying different foods and pastries. On Thursday, we went out for a big class dinner at Terrazza Furore. It was my first time having a hamburger since arriving in Italy! On Friday after my internship, Sophia, Bella, Emily, and I went to a cooking class. We learned about Italian food culture and how to make pizza and gelato. After cooking our food, we were able to eat it as well. The pizza came out delicious and it was so cool learning how to cook real authentic Italian food. I can’t wait to learn more and I will definitely be bringing the recipes that I learned back home with me!

The best nutella and mascarpone crepe
Bella and Sophia ready to start our cooking class!
The pizza that I made! I added olives and basil!
The cooking class kitchen!

Ava Mian’s Blog Post #2: Week Ending June 3, 2023

This week in our CSR course, we had a lot of discussion about companies and the technicalities that are involved in management and governance of their innerworkings. Additionally, it was interesting to discuss and debate the two scenarios of the bank fraud article, which was my favorite part of this week’s discussion. My group argued why it is imperative that the bank has protocols in place to flag suspicious deposits in order to protect people from falling for scams. Although we argued that it was the bank’s fault that an elderly woman was a victim of fraud, it was eye-opening to understand why it was not actually the fault of the bank, and the elderly widow who lost over $700,000 had to face all of the consequences.

In my internship, I was assigned a few tasks to complete in the next few weeks. I received more information about the firm newsletter that I will be writing about. I chose to discuss labor laws and employee data privacy and security. My boss instructed me to learn many different country’s labor and employment laws, such as Italy, Germany, France, Spain, USA, and the UK. I have been finding the small differences between each country’s labor laws, however they are usually quite similar. Lastly, I have been instructed to find international law firms that represent employees in labor law cases and reach out to them to join the company’s international lawyers network.

This week in Milan, I started getting lunch with my coworkers. It has been a lot of fun getting to know everyone who works at my firm as well as the other IES interns. They are from different parts of the US and it’s been interesting to hear about where they go to school. Our program took a trip to Verona for the holiday on Friday. We explored Verona and took a tour of the city as well as a winery. The lunch that was served was so good and it was interesting to see how the wine company ages their wine in their cellar. For the rest of the weekend, we went shopping and explored the stores near the Duomo. 

The streets of Verona
View of the castle in Verona
Shopping by the Duomo
Pit stop before the tour

Ava Mian’s Blog Post #1: Week Ending May 27, 2023

In our Corporate Social Responsibility class, we discussed Adam Smith and his influence on the US and how the economic market has changed substantially because of his values that are ingrained in the economy. Additionally, we discussed our views on corporations and how much we trust and distrust them. It was interesting to learn that the majority of our answers contradicted each other. I thought it was surprising that most of us had similar answers, as well. I also enjoyed talking about how the government and Congress could potentially intervene in the market by creating regulations and laws, since it heavily relates to my major. It is a new experience to hear people’s opinions in the classroom, which really makes this class thought-provoking.


For my internship, I am working for Cristiano Cominotto Esq. at a law firm. On my first day, Mr. Cominotto assigned me to look into differing labor laws across the US, UK, and other countries in the EU besides Italy. It was interesting to see how a law firm in Italy functions, as I could slightly compare it to how a law firm works in the US. I am excited to see how Italian law differs from law in the United States. I am also assigned to different writing projects for the company’s newsletter, which I am thrilled to be doing as it relates to my major and because I thoroughly enjoy writing. Additionally, I met the other interns at the company and we will be working on presentations together. I look forward to receiving more information about my tasks in the upcoming weeks!


In my first week in Milan, I visited the Duomo along with our group on our way to the welcome dinner. At the welcome dinner, I went up to the top of the Torre Branca and saw a breathtaking overhead view of the city of Milan. Since it is my first time visiting a different country, it was really interesting seeing the architecture of the buildings, streets, and especially the Duomo. It was so exciting to meet everyone at the welcome dinner and in our classes. I also bought my first cup of real Italian nocciola gelato, which was so amazing. I already know this experience is going to alter my worldview and give me a different perspective on not only politics but also economics and the global market. I can’t wait to travel on weekends and I am already getting used to my surroundings around Aparto and in Milan! Our first trip to Lago Maggiore really set the bar high for the rest of our weekends. The views were spectacular.

The scenery on my walk from Aparto to the tram station
On our way to Lake Maggiore
The Duomo never gets old!
The beautiful view from the first island at Lago Maggiore