Tiffany Chen’s Blog Post #6: Week ending 7/01/2023

This week we did not meet in person for class, but instead watched the film, Erin Brockovich, and worked on our final paper. The film followed a similar story that the previous films that we watched in class also revolved around. A large corporation contaminates an area with the byproduct of their production process and the locals are left to deal with the consequences. They face health complications and even death and yet these corporations are unwilling to admit to their wrongdoings. Hence the protagonist, in this case, Erin Brockovich, must step in and take the necessary actions to bring justice to the victims and their families. It was not easy and she faced numerous obstacles, but I was glad to see that the film ended with the successful conclusion of the trial. The victims were compensated accordingly and Erin herself is in a better situation than where she started.


At my internship this week, our boss began to push me and Lili to produce more content with a focus on the company’s voice. Moving forward from our previous content, she expected us to curate videos that would express the health benefits of her product, all the while maintaining the aesthetic look and feel of the videos. Based on this new feedback, we had to change our current method to ensure that each new video created got our desired message across in the most aesthetic way possible. This meant we had to get more creative with the videos and the captions. All in all, it was great to be challenged to be more creative and authentic with our content.


For our last weekend in Italy, the entire group rented a villa in Tuscany and just hung out. It was a really fun and relaxing time. I remember starting this program feeling so disconnected from the group and looking around now it is unbelievable what six weeks can do to bring people together. Coming into this trip, everyone came from their parts of campus and this was what made the entire experience feel so rich and mind-opening. Reflecting back, I feel very bittersweet at how time has flown by and how we will all soon depart and spend the rest of our summers in our own ways. This is an adventure that I will never forget and am so grateful to have been able to be a part of such a wonderful program with such wonderful people.

A friendly wild cat that hung around the villa!
Tuscany like a scene from a movie

Tiffany Chen’s Blog Post #5: Week ending 6/24/2023

During the classes held this week, the topic of discussion revolved around Apple and the extent of accountability it should bear towards its suppliers. To create the iconic iPhone and other tech products, Apple outsources to foreign manufacturers that are able to charge much less due to their low workplace standards. The working conditions have reached a point of inhumanity that these factory workers have begun committing suicide. The question was whether or not Apple should take responsibility for this. While they do not directly implement these working conditions, should Apple consider the ethical practices of its stakeholders? I thought this was a fascinating topic and Apple is not the only company to outsource to companies like these. 


With regards to my internship, my boss had me and Lili attend a class where students from Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti presented their final marketing projects. It was really interesting since the class split into smaller groups to imitate different subgroups in an actual marketing agency. They were tasked with creating a packaging design, digital marketing strategy, event launch, and a sustainability strategy for my boss’s next startup. The professional look and sophistication of ideas in their presentations amazed me as they truly mimicked the quality of work that would have been produced by a true marketing department. My boss loved their work and now her next step is to secure funding to actually turn their ideas into reality. 


On Friday, I flew to Puglia with Ava, Bella, Emily, and Sophia for a fun and relaxing weekend. Emphasis on relaxing. Except, the start was far from that. Our flight got delayed for an hour and once we arrived at the airport, it got delayed for another half hour due to issues with the aircraft. Once the plane took off, there was a lot of turbulence and I almost thought we were not going to make it. Thankfully we landed safely and everyone clapped. Our Airbnb is stunning— it looks like something straight out of a Pinterest board. We spent the next day at the beach and exploring Italian restaurants. This might just might warn a spot on my favorite destinations list!

View from above the clouds!

Our Airbnb straight from a Pinterest Board
The outside of our Airbnb
Ice cream after spending the day out in the sun


Tiffany Chen’s Blog Post #4: Week Ending June 17, 2023

This week in Professor Gupta’s class we held an in-class debate on Monday and screened the movie, A Civil Action, on Wednesday. The discussion centered around the validity of the 2019 Business Roundtable Statement in relation to the statement released in 1997. Since we were assigned a side to argue, it was really interesting to see how both sides were able to argue their position regardless of whether it aligned with their personal opinions or not. I also enjoyed the movie as it gave insight into what kinds of decisions corporations must make and the ethical issues they must consider. Based on a true story, the movie follows Jan Schlichtmann, a personal injury lawyer, as he tackles a challenging case. He represents the families in a small town in Woburn, Massachusetts who suffered from drinking water that was believed to be contaminated with toxic chemicals by W.R. Grace, a nearby corporation. Schlichtmann and his legal team face numerous obstacles and eventually go bankrupt in this pursuit of justice. A Civil Action highlights the ethical dilemmas faced by lawyers, the complexities of the legal system, and the toll these high-stakes cases have on individuals. Overall, it was a great movie and made me reevaluate my current perception of corporations and the legal system.


During my internship, Lili and I created more content for SuiteFood’s social media platforms. Going into “the office” made me realize how difficult it is to run a startup. While Lili and I were curating content for the brand, our boss was sorting through Amazon packages and delivering them to the nearby residences. Delivering these packages is a means for our boss to fund the next launch of products. In a way, it makes me appreciate the hustle and her passion for her startup. She decided to go the non-traditional route to pursue her passion for food and is finding ways to sustain this lifestyle. I do not know many people who would be willing to follow in her shoes.


Traveling this week led me to Florence, Pompeii, and Naples. The day trip to Florence was wonderful and I got to check off another location off of my bucket list. We grabbed lunch at a viral sandwich shop recommended by TikTok and sipped on wine that was served through a hole in the wall. The view of the city from Piazzale Michelangelo was stunning and observing the artwork in the Accademia Gallery made me appreciate the talent that I do not possess. Pompeii was just a wonder. It is amazing how the bodies of the victims of the volcanic eruption were able to be preserved by calcified layers of ash. Naples was less glamorous and made me thankful to be back in Milan.

Viral sandwich shop recommended by TikTok
Wine served through a hole in the wall in Florence
View of Florence from Piazzale Michelangelo
Michelangelo’s David at the Accademia Gallery
Catacombs in Naples
This skeleton in the Catacombs was created from the bones of many individuals
Casts of the Pompeii victims

Tiffany Chen’s Blog Post #3: Week Ending June 10, 2023

This week we watched a documentary called “The Corporation.” It explored the nature and influence of corporations on society. Corporations were originally just business entities, that is, until some clever lawyers extended the rights under the 14th Amendment to corporations. This made corporations into “people” and gave them the same rights guaranteed to individuals. However, what particularly stood out to me during the screening was the documentary’s argument that corporations exhibit traits of a psychopathic personality. These characteristics include callous unconcern for the feelings of others; incapacity to maintain enduring relationships; reckless disregard for the safety of others; deceitfulness, repeated lying and conning others for profit; incapacity to experience guilt; and failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors. This is quite alarming as they are essentially inseparable from our daily lives. In their pursuit of maximizing profit and prioritizing shareholder interests, they often disregard the welfare of workers, communities, and the environment.


During my internship this week, I focused most of my time on creating engaging infographics for the company’s Instagram. Lili and I have already curated a diverse collection of pictures, but we also want to incorporate some other types of content to be informative about the products that we are launching and to maximize engagement from our followers. This week’s focus revolved around designing posts and determining how we want to portray the company’s voice. As I designed the posts, I had to consider various factors like color schemes and overall aesthetics that align with the company’s brand identity. There is more to content creation than what meets the eye and I am starting to discover that.


This week I traveled to Lugano and the Alps. I love how easy it is to travel from place to place here. To get to Lugano, Switzerland, we took the train and to get to the Alps, we went by bus. Both destinations were breathtaking. In Lugano, some of us rented a boat and enjoyed the view while drifting on Lago di Lugano. My favorite trip so far was the trip to the Alps, where we completed a ropes course, ziplined between trees, and hiked to Lago di Arpy. This adventure was filled with numerous exciting first-time experiences, making the entire journey truly exhilarating. I cannot wait for more of these adventures during my time here!

Lunch at Lugano, Switzerland
Views while drifting on Lago di Lugano

Tiffany Chen’s Blog Post #2: Week Ending in 06/03/2023

Week 2 in Milan kicked off with an all-you-can-eat sushi dinner with Professor Gupta! We somehow managed to fit all twenty-six of us into a small room towards the back of the restaurant. While it was hot, it was well worth it as everyone had a good time challenging themselves and enjoying good wine. In our Corporate Social Responsibility class, we always begin by discussing two Wall Street Journal articles that pertain to the course material, which would then be followed by a discussion that further explores the topics. Afterward, we jump straight into what Professor Gupta has prepared for us. During Monday’s class, we had to analyze the ethics of the current system in various situations (e.g., is it morally fair for a bank or a mortgage company to make profits from the interest on a home mortgage when all people are trying to do is provide a home for themselves and their family). This was a very interesting session that really helped to show that there is a lot of grey area between the two opposing sides. On Wednesday, we were introduced to corporate governance and the mechanisms behind it.

During our internship this week, Lili and I went in to discuss the timeline with our boss. We are responsible for the marketing aspect of the business, so we were tasked with the creation of content for Instagram and TikTok. Our goal is to start releasing content next week so the majority of this week consisted of planning and creating content. To ensure the success of our efforts, we must find a way to make our communication as fun, aesthetic, and informative as possible. The next few weeks will involve a lot of testing on what types of content work and what do not in order to attract a loyal audience.

My travels started on Friday this week as the national holiday allowed us to also take a day off from our internships. Collectively as a group, we took the train to Verona for some wine tasting and a guided tour of the city. It was super interesting to see a different part of Italy and our tour guide was lovely. When we got to the amphitheater, where gladiators had historically fought and where concerts are presently held, she surprised us with a speaker and the lyrics to Taylor Swift’s Love Story, to which we all sang along. She also presented us with fun facts, such as the fact that Romeo and Juliet did in fact get married, only to be separated the next day. On Saturday, we went to Lugano, Switzerland and it was exhilarating from the very start. We were on a time crunch and we had less than a minute to spare before the train was set to depart. Sprinting from tram stops to metro and train stations, we cut it close and managed to board before the departure time. It was all worth it after seeing the picturesque views that were displayed before us.

Walk to class
Wine tasting in Verona
Creating content for internship on Lago di Lugano
Gelato in Switzerland

Tiffany Chen’s Blog Post #1: Week Ending May 27, 2023

After a long and exhausting day of waiting in lines at the airport and sitting through eight hours on a plane, I finally made it to Milan, Italy! Struggling to fight my lack of sleep, I followed our group to various welcome events and orientations. The first week consisted mainly of introductory material such as a six-hour survival crash course in Italian, learning how to navigate the public transportation system, and getting situated with our internships. This means that I can now say and understand a little more than a simple “Ciao!” In Professor Gupta’s class, we continued our discussions about  Adam Smith’s theories and the subsequent impact they had on free markets and the economy as a whole. It is so interesting how influential and relevant Smith’s ideas are despite being formulated over two centuries ago.

Apart from attending classes, I am also interning at SuiteFood, a startup based in Milan aimed at making the Asian cuisine experience available to everyone. In the past, they have launched recipe kits and cooking courses as a means to accomplish this mission. What I am tasked with is creating content to promote their next launch of products. As a marketing major, I hope this experience will allow me to gain insight into how to attract an audience, decide what strategies to implement, and how to convert social media interactions to purchases. I am working with another Lehigh student, Lili, to tackle this job with our primary focus on Instagram and TikTok. So far we spent the first week discussing and planning what types of content to create and what messages we want to convey through them.

Regarding Milan in general, I must express the beauty of the city. The architectural marvels and the captivating fashion scene never fail to astonish me. The views here are so enchanting that I doubt I will ever tire of them. It is no surprise that Milan is renowned for excelling in these areas. On Saturday we took a day trip to Lago Maggiore and the scenery was nothing short of breathtaking. The beauty of the lake and islands left us in awe as we soaked in the picturesque landscapes before us. We took a boat to stroll around the islands, wander through the exquisite Palazzo Borromeo, and explored the meticulously manicured gardens, adorned with vibrant flowers, elegant statues, and whimsical fountains. I think it is safe to say that we all left with plenty of Insta-worthy pictures.

Seeing the Duomo for the first time!
Saw the skyline on the first day (pt.1)




Skyline (pt.2)












Albino peacock on Isola Bella!
The meticulously manicured gardens!


Palazzo Borromeo on Isola Bella!