Dawn Keetley


July 2021

American Fears

I was interviewed for this interesting piece on the contemporary monsters of horror and the collective fears they represent, by Anabel Sosa for Inside Edition. https://www.insideedition.com/if-american-horror-films-reflect-our-collective-fears-what-monsters-will-this-generation-see-emerge

Tentacular Ecohorror and the Agency of Trees in Algernon Blackwood’s “The Man Whom the Trees Loved” and Lorcan Finnegan’s Without Name

“Tentacular Ecohorror and the Agency of Trees in Algernon Blackwood’s ‘The Man Whom the Trees Loved’ and Lorcan Finnegan’s Without Name” Drawing on the work of Stacy Alaimo, China Miéville, Eugene Thacker, and Donna Haraway, this chapter identifies a “tentacular… Continue Reading →

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