March 6

Blog #7 – AISHA – GSIF

1. Identify three different primary stakeholders on your project, and come up with a list of 10 distinct questions you would ask each of them. Remember the aspirational / emotional /functional categories of needs and desires and try to find a balance of questions that might give you information in each of those areas.

  • Community health workers
    • What current issues in healthcare are you facing right now?
    • What would your solution be?
    • What are some things in the current healthcare system that you think work nicely?
    • How do you feel when you are working (emotionally/mindset)?
    • How does it feel when a patient comes in?
    • Are there times when you feel as if one person is not enough to handle the demand for healthcare? If so, can you explain?
    • Can you explain what a typical day looks like in this health unit?
    • Why did you choose to work in this field?
    • Are you happy working in this field?
    • If you could change anything about how this field runs/works what would it be?
  • SL government
    • What resources are you allocating toward healthcare right now?
    • Do you think that what is being done right now is enough?
    • What sorts of improvements should be made to the healthcare system?
    • What suggestions would you give for better healthcare quality?
    • How does it feel to have the ability to make such an impact on people’s lives in this way?
    • Are you happy working in this field?
    • If you could change anything about how this field runs/works what would it be?
    • Are you open to new technologies?
    • Can you explain ways that you collaborate with other sectors?
    • Can you explain ways that you measure long-term effects?
  • Patients
    • What does it look like when you seek healthcare?
    • Do you have concerns about the quality of care you receive?
    • Do you think the current system is reliable?
    • How do you feel when obtaining healthcare in this system?
    • Are you getting personalized care?
    • Where do you think there is room for improvement in this healthcare system?
    • How do you feel about introducing new technologies to this space?
    • Do you think what is available now is good enough, or is there room to improve?
    •  How do you feel when going to seek healthcare (emotions/feelings)?
    • Does the current healthcare system cause extra stress or strain on your everyday life?

2. Identify all of the key customers for your product/service/creation/solution. List specific ways that you will ensure that your product will meet their aspirational, emotional, and functional needs and desires.

Our key customers for this product will be community health workers in Makeni, Sierra Leone. Additionally, a customer can also be a patient since they will technically be on the receiving end of this product. Functional needs will be fulfilled by helping in following the standard protocol when diagnosing a disease. Aspirational needs may be fulfilled when Alexa helps a worker, the worker may feel more empowered to make a change in this field. Lastly, emotional needs can be fulfilled when this product helps a worker and can alleviate the stress and burden being put on them.

3. Articulate your value propositions for each of your customer segments (using the format presented in class).

Our value proposition for our customer segments cannot be fully fleshed out using the format presented in class as there is no business model and with it things such as cost structure or revenue streams. However, our value proposition which is the Alexa device with the specific use cases to help in a healthcare setting will build a customer relationship with community health workers. Our key activities are researching and developing these skills. Our key partners are still in progress, but potentials for this include Amazon itself and the Sierra Leonean government.

Posted March 6, 2023 by Aabiskar Thapa Kshetri in category Uncategorized

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