The team woke up to a gloomy morning, and after another scrumptious breakfast headed to World Hope to start working on the project. Sofía, Zavier, and Rachel communicated with the teams PI Khanjan about a ride to their meeting, and about five minutes later he scooped them from the office and headed out for the […]
2023 Day 08: “AISHA, We’re Being Productive!”
The team awoke to the sights and smells of fresh rain, symbolizing a clean slate and a new day. Upon arrival at the World Hope International office, Sofía called a team meeting to disseminate the day’s strategy. She emphasized the importance of doing fieldwork tests and getting contacts at various PHUs while still maximizing the […]
2023 Day 07: “AISHA, PHU Demos!”
In numerology, the number 7 is often regarded as the seeker, the thinker, and the searcher of truth. It’s no coincidence that we, a group of seven visionaries, chose this path, united under a shared goal to revolutionize healthcare. The “Magnificent Seven,” as we fondly call ourselves, have embarked on a journey where technology is […]
2023 Day 06: “AISHA, We Went On A Hike!”
While Omar went to sleep at 9:00 PM, exhausted by yesterday’s demands, the rest of the team woke up what must have been 4 minutes after they had fallen asleep. Deprived of sleep, the team was still determined to do what they came here for, make an impact. Today’s day was short, but as the […]
2023 Day 05: “AISHA, We Visited Our First PHU!”
After a night of relatively early sleep following a demanding day, our team gathered their energy for an eventful day ahead. We arrived at World Hope with a clear objective – to connect with Amara Kamara, our previous translator, and discuss his concerns about translating for us due to his limited clinical experience and availability. […]
2023 Day 04: “AISHA, Cancel My Plans.”
After a night of minimal sleep the AISHA team woke up bright and early for delicious breakfast before heading towards World Hope International. Today the team broke up into three separate groups each tackling different tasks. Rachel and Aabi traveled with the Mothers of Sierra Leone group to the Holy Spirit Hospital. There they met […]
2023 Day 03: “AISHA, We Got A List Of PHU’s!”
After an eventful night, the AISHA crew woke up to a fresh, clean morning. Apparently a rainstorm had brewed by. After a very delicious breakfast, we grouped together to head to our workspace at World Hope International Office. The team had an in-depth meeting about our action plans for the day. We talked about how […]
2023 Day 02: “AISHA, What Are We Doing?”
After a good night’s sleep to combat the jetlag, the AISHA team woke up bright and early for some breakfast before heading out to their workspace at the World Hope International Office once again. The team separated themselves to regroup, and make a to-do list for the day where they proceeded to delegate the tasks […]
2023 Day 01: “AISHA, Who Are We?”
In the humid tropics of Makeni, Sierra Leone, the AISHA team huddled together in a secluded space of their fieldwork office at World Hope International. The discussions were lively, filled with overlapping conversations surrounding Wi-Fi, qualitative data collection, budgets, and contract agreements for translators. For the last eight months, the AI Strengthening Healthcare Access (AISHA) […]