Blog#8 Teamwork and Leadership

1.) Summarize and report out on the results of the SKS exercise. (start, keep, stop)

2 things we want to start doing as a team:
–>Delegating tasks effectively according to each team member’s strengths and weaknesses. Having a record of what tasks are completed, in progress, and upcoming.
–> Generating fresh ideas and not being reluctant to share them with each other even if they seem minor. Have SMART tasks and goals.
2 things we want to keep doing as a team:
–>Keep committing time outside of the classroom to be able to collaborate
–>Keep being open-minded with constructive criticism on ideas and not being afraid of changing the direction of the project
2 things we want to stop doing as a team:
–>Stop assuming everyone knows what you are doing and communicate to the team what is being done and what needs to be done. Also not being afraid to ask for help
–>Stop setting goals and then not upholding them.
2.) Develop a detailed Collaboration Plan for your team clearly articulating your Goals (Small and Big), Roles, Procedures, and Relationships.
–>Have a rough draft completed of the paper we are
submitting to the IEE CHTC Conference in Seattle
by mid-April
-Send to Prof. Mehta so that he can review
before submitting
–>Touching base with our connections in Kazakhstan
-Formulating a plan with them
–>Have a model laid out for the website by the end
of April
Implementer, Monitor-evaluator,
Team worker, resource investigator
Monitor-evaluator: critically analyze information
before coming to conclusions
–>Completer/finisher: detects errors and omissions;
ensures adherence to deadlines
Implementer: actually gets things done; turns
ideas into actual plans
Resource investigator: develop external contacts;
negotiate for the team’s resources
Shaper: maintains a positive mental attitude;
finds the best ways to overcome challenges facing
the team
Specialist: expert knowledge in a particular area
–>Professor Duvanova
Team worker, coordinator, specialist
Decision Making:
-Majority Rule
-If we are split down the middle, we will use
our advisor as a mediator to help come to a
Effective Meetings:
-Setting up goals for each meeting
-Checking in with each other→ Where people are
with their designated tasks, etc.
Splitting up work so that we are being proactive and productive with the time we work on tasks
Creating documents that have everyone’s assigned tasks for the week so we know how to check up on eachother
Best time to work: In the mornings, any day of the week, preferably the end of the week
Frequency: Meet at least once a week besides our weekly advisor meetings
Location: Online
Type of Technology: Google Docs and Zoom
Make sure to consider everyone’s perspective
Do not get frustrated with each other

3. If we can’t go in the summer what will we do?
Trying to finalize the design/function of our website
Creating online surveys that we can send out to people in Almaty
Formulating algorithms to help organize survey data and determining the best forms of advice
Learning more about the country through partners in Kazakhstan
Good communication with the Kazakhstan students

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