A Note on Methodology

In editing and indexing the interviews completed by the filmmakers, we aimed to accurately represent the topics of conversation and the opinions and ideas discussed. During the interview process, the filmmaking team conducted multiple conversations with each interviewee that culminated in the filmed interviews available here. Because of the multistep nature of the process, the filmed interviews have a conversational quality and often require more context to understand the interviewee’s responses. To that end, we cut the interviewer’s voice from each video and replaced it with questions that do not require knowledge of prior conversations. Further, many interviewees reiterated common knowledge and facts about the steel-to-casino transition. We cut interviewee responses that articulate widely known history of the site, and instead we focused on their personal recollections, opinions, and hopes for the future. We hope that you enjoy learning from these videos as we have while working with them.

-Claire Silva and Aliza Bodzin