Lehigh Blockchain is an interdisciplinary team spanning computer science and business with a variety of activities in blockchain research, education, and applications. With the cooperation of faculty and students across Lehigh’s colleges and departments, we pursue research and teach a set of courses aiming to advance blockchain technology and inform future decision-makers in business and government.
Click on the tabs at the top of the page for details regarding our courses, students, alumni, publications, etc.
In the Rossin College of Engineering, we are part of the Scalable Systems and Software Research Group (SSS). In the College of Business, we are the Blockchain Lab within the Center for Financial Services. We are the FinTech and Blockchain focus area with the Institute for Data, Intelligent Systems, and Computation (I-DISC).
Lehigh Blockchain includes faculty from multiple Lehigh colleges and departments. Hank Korth leads the overall blockchain activity in collaboration with CSE Department and SSS Lab colleagues and affiliated faculty.
Research Projects:
We are studying issues in the construction of blockchain systems and their applications. Our projects include:
- Fast generation of zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs using parallel systems (GPUs and RDMA)
- System architectures for central-bank digital currencies (CBDC)
- Provably correct audits of accounting records using blockchain
- Blockchain governance
- Blockchain benchmarking with the National University of Singapore
- Cross-shard transactions in sharded blockchains
- Policy issues regarding CBDCs
- Web3 / Web2 integration
- Rights ownership and licensing management via blockchain
- Three undergraduate courses: one in computer science, an interdisciplinary course spanning computer science and business, and a projects-oriented course.
- Three graduate courses: one in computer science, one in the Masters in Financial Engineering, and a projects-oriented course.
Development Projects:
- Smart contract development with Algorand,
- Blockchain-based proof of fair-trade coffee supply chain with ChainBytes,
- Decentralized identity in supply chain using Hyperledger Fabric enterprise blockchain with Oracle,
- Central-bank digital currency infrastructure with Oracle,
- Confidential data sharing across chains (iQube Protocol) with metaMe
- NFTs for art with MacGuyverTech,
- Smart contract security with MacGuyverTech,
- Blockchain-based health records with TransCrypts
- Verifiable letters of reference with Ethereum Classic Labs
- HawKoin campus digital currency
Financial Engineering Projects:
- High-performance DEX arbitrage algorithm with BTCS
- Covered Interest Rate Parity in the Cryptocurrency Market (video)
- Decentralized Finance in Ethereum
- DeFi: Protocol Economics and Currency Exchange Model with Create Dream Tech, LLC (video)
- Interoperability of a Supervised-Learning-Based Bitcoin-Trading Strategy
Current Students:
- Lehigh Blockchain includes over 100 students per year who join our weekly group research meetings, enroll in blockchain courses, participate in capstone projects, and/or participate in our Blockchain Club
- Graduates of Lehigh Blockchain are having an impact on the field in startups, larger firms, and in graduate studies.
- We are grateful to the many Lehigh alums from before the era of Lehigh Blockchain who have assisted our program.
- Lehigh Blockchain has benefited from a number of professionals in the blockchain field who have generously given of their time to advise project teams, give invited talks in classes, and provide a larger community for our students