
Well Hello There,

My name is Caroline and I am a first-year masters student of English at Lehigh University! I’m quite new to this whole blogging universe, but I hope that this will be an exploratory platform on which I can share some of my thoughts and ideas! As much of the content posted on blogs is written, I must warn you that my grammar often leaves something to be desired. I hope that you can look past the odd, misplaced comma or misspelled word, I promise I’m doing my best! If the terms of this agreement seem reasonable to you then I’m delighted to have you here. Now, I’ll share a little bit about myself…

I entered my undergraduate career at Lehigh University, unsure of what I wanted to study but eager to learn. I quickly realized that I found my English courses most engaging and chose to major in English as a result. While taking courses in other disciplines, such as economics and marketing, I was pleased to observe how frequently I applied the skills I’d gained in my English courses. At the end of my four years at Lehigh, I was offered the opportunity to continue my education as a Presidential Scholar and chose to do so, pursuing a masters degree in English. While I am unsure as to what my next step will be, either in the academic or professional field, I am confident that the skills and abilities I am currently gaining will prove invaluable.

Outside of school, I enjoy golfing, hiking, and exploring new places with my friends and family. As I’m on the cusp of the millennial and gen-z generations, I am fascinated by how technology is modifying society and how we define ourselves. One of the topics my friends and I often discuss is how our lives differ from our parents’ and how the topography of today’s working world is shifting. Like many of my friends, I primarily utilize internet platforms to get my news and feel lucky to have such a wealth of information at my fingertips! Although I am only beginning to solidify what kind of person I want to be, I feel lucky to live in a moment that encourages creatives inquiry and thought! With all the turmoil that’s going on at the moment, the world can feel like a scary place. Despite this fact, the creative, thoughtful, and unique work I see my friends, family, classmates, and even strangers doing gives me hope that we’re moving in a positive direction (even if it takes a few twists and turns to get there).

Addimitidly, this introduction is a bit of a mash-up, including features of my professional, academic, and personal life. While a stronger delineation between these aspects may improve my writing’s clarity, their blurring may actually provide the most accurate representation of myself possible. As my friends and family are well aware, I can’t help but bring my personal life into the classroom and the classroom into my personal life (when appropriate of course). While connecting areas of life normally deemed “separate” can sometimes feel silly or even chaotic, I believe these junctures often house the most interesting and valuable discoveries. While I’ll try to balance experimentation with structure, I must warn you the rest of the writing on my blog will probably look quite similar to this.

If you’ve made it this far, thanks for taking the time to read my entire introduction!

You did it!


I’m done now, I promise…
