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The Cubicle Village Jelly Bean Story

It all began during the pandemic, when my wife’s aunt passed away, and we went to clean out her things.  Among them was an unopened 4lb jar of jelly beans.  I couldn’t just throw it away.  Wouldn’t it be better used as a ‘welcome back to the office’ treat for my co-workers?

Finally the day came.  We returned to the office.  I set the jar out on the cabinet in front of my desk.  The jelly beans diminished, but very slowly.  Then, a cute little dispenser appeared that took quarters, but dispensed jelly beans regardless (donated by Colin F., I believe).  I began using the big jar to fill the dispenser.  Jelly Beans disappeared much more quickly.  No quarters appeared.

Here we are back in the office, almost like normal, and I’ve had to keep purchasing Jelly Beans from Amazon to keep the dispenser filled.  The rate is about 3lb per month, at a cost of about $25 a bag.

If you’d like to contribute to the fund, an easy way contribute (and be remembered) is to use my Venmo link at:  Just make a note that it’s for Jelly Beans.