week 14

1. I am a first generation Asian American that seeks to improve the lives of others and inspire more to do the same through my diverse skills and interests, including psychology, medicine, as well as music. I am a scientist, a musician, and a humanitarian.

2. I will change the world by applying my passions, skills, and interests to improve the lives of others and inspire many more to do the same. I will use my education to become a doctor of equality and morality for those that may not have access to such. I will use my talents in music and communication to uplift, inspire, and teach social impact and unity in an unconventional way. As I am still finding my way through life and self discovery, the exact methods by which all of these will be achieved is not yet clear, and that is okay.

3. Emily has devoted her life’s work to the betterment of society, joining the fight for equity in various domains for underprivileged populations that may not have been able to use their voices in a similar way.

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