Something I have been meaning to do for quite some time is a digital detox. Time and time again I have committed to the concept of doing it but when the day would come I could list off a series of reasons that I should not do it: My mom may call, what about my calendar, what if I get a really important email and simply, I’ll just be bored.
I read a really interesting article on this called, “How a Simple Digital Detox Ignited My Creativity” by Marciel Dragan. What I really liked about this article was the way it suggested that it is not necessary the phone itself that becomes the problem within people but the push it has for people to give more, to always be giving 150% instead of just their best. It suggested that deplugging did not make you less stimulated, but able to actually be stimulated by the things that matter to you. While it does become a period of darkness or openness, as people we need to embrace it to be newly inspired.