- Invited lecture, “Is Private Equity Investment in Health Care Compatible with Achieving Health Equity: Examining the Role of Private Equity in Health Care and Regulatory Responses,” 2024 Annual Law & Policy Forum, Suffolk University Law School, Boston MA, October 3, 2024.
- Invited lecture, “Private Equity Storms US Healthcare,” Mountain Talk, hosted by Jennifer Cunningham, Associate Vice-President of Alumni Relations, Bethlehem, PA, April 24, 2024, by zoom.
- Invited lecture, Why Private Equity is Bad for Your Health,” Lehigh Valley Coalition in Healthcare 43rd Annual Conference: “Innovation in Healthcare, Leading the Way in Quality and Cost Containment,” De Sales University, Allentown, Pa., May 17, 2023.
- Invited lecture, “The effects of Private Equity on U.S. Healthcare,” Independence BlueCross, contracting and reimbursement team, March 30, 2023, zoom presentation.
- Invited Lecture, “Your Money or Your Life: Private Equity Groups Invade Health Care, Colorado Foundation for Universal Health Care, Denver, Colorado, January 26, 2023. Zoom presentation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RUk1fmM8nNQ.
- Invited Lecture, “Private Equity and the U.S. Healthcare System,” Health Research Roundtable, College of Health, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, October 19, 2022.
- Invited Lecture, “Private Equity and its Impact on Healthcare,” Physicians for a National Health Program: Northern New England Health Policy Program, July 5, 2022, Zoom presentation. Pnhp.org/news/pnhp-northern-new-england-internship.