Beginner’s Ski Trip at Bear Creek

It was a very warm day on Mar 11th. A Thursday afternoon at 4 PM, we gathered before the Alumni building and headed to Bear Creek Ski Resort, located about 40 min drive away. Spring is right around the corner, chasing away the winter. But hold on for a minute, let’s experience the last few days of snow season and learn how to ski!

We had a lady taking photos for us before we trial and fell on the snow. Look how handsome everyone was! Behind us is the beginner’s slope, Bear’s Carpet.

The ski resort was quiete yet still quite some people were there (just not around those dining tables):

First thing first, we got the lift ticket and picked up the rentals. We went through how to select the right size boot, how to put it on, what buckles are the most important while others are minor. In the picture, Shasha was making sure Sinchan’s helmet was correctly put on. In the background, there are the ski poles.

Going out of the rental pickup place, before heading to the slopes, we had a dry run training on how to put the binders on and off, how to carry the binders, as well as the code on the slope: people in front of you have the right of the way (which means it is your responsibility not to hit the person in front of you, if you cannot control it, please fall down :). Members were excited about trying out ski!

Okay, real time. We went through ways to slow, stop, make turns, how to put on binders on the slope. Then everyone was free to try out by himself! Of course we fell and had discussions with members on the trip.

Finally we rode the lift to go to the top of mountain and skiied down. Hilarious but everyone made it and some even multiple times! Ski is not that difficult it turns out. Next snow season we hope more people will join us to learn to ski and just enjoy the fun of it!


Photos: VamC, Sinchan, Indranil, Shasha

Writing & trip leader: Shasha


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