Collaboration with GWS–Writing retreat at Spruce-Lake

What could be more invigorating than a full day of writing in the midst of green and beautiful surroundings, followed by some quality relaxation by the pool and a thrilling hike? GSOC recently embarked on an unforgettable writing retreat in collaboration with the Writing Center.

With 20 enthusiastic participants, our writing retreat took place in a serene location that served as the perfect backdrop for creativity and productivity. From the early morning hours to the late afternoon, we were fully immersed in the world of words and ideas. Our shared commitment to achieving our writing goals was palpable, creating an atmosphere of motivation and focus.

Our favorite writer consular –Yvonne– was on hand to provide guidance, support, and useful tips for enhancing our writing skills. It was truly inspiring to see the diversity of research and writing projects that our fellow participants were working on – from dissertations to academic papers and creative works.

But it wasn’t all work and no play. After a productive morning of writing, we enjoyed a well-deserved break by the pool and a refreshing hiking. Conversations flowed freely, and the relaxed atmosphere helped us recharge for the afternoon session

Throughout the day, we found that the writing retreat not only fostered productivity but also a strong sense of community. Sharing experiences, challenges, and achievements with fellow graduate students created a supportive and encouraging environment that will undoubtedly continue to benefit us as we move forward in our academic and creative pursuits.

In conclusion, our writing retreat with the Writing Center was a remarkable experience. It combined the right blend of hard work, relaxation, and outdoor adventure. It reinforced the importance of community in academia and the power of nature to rekindle our creativity. We look forward to future collaborations with the Writing Center and more inspiring retreats that bring graduate students together to achieve their writing dreams.

Writing: Artemiza Martinez

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