Zhang, Jiangfan and Blum, Rick S. and Poor, H. Vincent. (2018). Approaches to Secure Inference in the Internet of Things: Performance Bounds, Algorithms, and Effective Attacks on IoT Sensor Networks. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. 35 (5) 50 to 63.
Shkel, Yanina Y., Blum, Rick S., Poor, H. Vincent, Lossless compression and secrecy by design, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, (2020).
Henri Hentilä, Visa Koivunen, Vincent Poor, and Rick Blum, Secure Key Generation for Distributed Inference in IoT, Conference on Information Science and Systems, 2019.
Samudrala, Ananth Narayan and Blum, Rick S.. (2018). On the estimation and secrecy capabilities of stochastic encryption for parameter estimation in IoT. Conference on Information Sciences and Systems. 1 to 6.
Samudrala, Ananth Narayan and Blum, Rick S.. (2017). Asymptotic analysis of a new low complexity encryption approach for the Internet of Things, smart cities and smart grid. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities (ICSGSC). 200 to 204.
Zhang, Jiangfan and Blum, Rick S. and Kaplan, Lance M. and Lu, Xuanxuan. (2018). A Fundamental Limitation on Maximum Parameter Dimension for Accurate Estimation With Quantized Data. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory. 64 (9) 6180 to 6195.
Perazzone, Jake and Graves, Eric and Yu, Paul and Blum, Rick. (2018). Inner Bound for the Capacity Region of Noisy Channels with an Authentication Requirement. IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory. 126 to 130.
Zhang, Jiangfan and Wang, Xiaodong and Blum, Rick S. and Kaplan, Lance M. (2018). Attack Detection in Sensor Network Target Localization Systems With Quantized Data. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing. 66 (8) 2070 to 2085.
Karthik, Anantha K. and Blum, Rick S.. (2019). Optimum Full Information, Unlimited Complexity, Invariant, and Minimax Clock Skew and Offset Estimators for IEEE 1588. IEEE Transactions on Communications. 67 (5) 3624 to 3637.
Ramezani-Mayiami, Mahmoud and Hajimirsadeghi, Mohammad and Skretting, Karl and Blum, Rick S. and Vincent Poor, H.. (2019). Graph Topology Learning and Signal Recovery Via Bayesian Inference. 2019 IEEE Data Science Workshop (DSW). 52 to 56.
Perazzone, Jake Bailey and Yu, Paul L. and Sadler, Brian M. and Blum, Rick S.. (2019). Physical Layer Authentication via Fingerprint Embedding: Min-Entropy Analysis. Conference on Information Science and Systems.
Perazzone, J. B and Yu, P. L. and Sadler, B. M and Blum, R. S.. (2019). Artificial noise and physical layer authentication: Miso regime. IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security. 1-5.
K. G. Nagananda, R. S. Blum, and A. Koppel, ‘Reduced-rank least squares parameter estimation in the presence of byzantine sensors.’ Proc. IEEE CISS, Mar. 2020.
- Karthik, Anantha K. and Blum, Rick S.. (2018). Improved Detection Performance for Passive Radars Exploiting Known Communication Signal Form. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 25 (11) 1625 to 1629.