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General Information

About the Conference
The Annual LVAIC Undergraduate Psychology Research Conference showcases research in Psychology and Philosophy of Mind by undergraduate students from the Lehigh Valley and surrounding regions. Each year the conference is hosted by one of the LVAIC institutions. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the conference will take place virtually in 2022. There is no cost to attending or participating in the conference this year.

Why should you attend and present?
Research conferences are a key way in which researchers network and share cutting-edge findings with one another. For undergraduate students, conferences provide an excellent opportunity to share your research findings, learn about the research of others, and network and meet new people – including students and faculty from other schools. Conference presentations can also be listed on your CV as a way to gain recognition for your work.

Conference Etiquette and Tips

  • Attend as many sessions as you can. Don’t just listen to and support your friends and classmates. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn about new research in psychology.
  • Arrive promptly for sessions you plan to attend and stay for the entire session. Avoid leaving sessions early or switching between sessions.
  • Be an engaged audience member. Listen attentively and ask questions.
  • Network with students and faculty from other schools.
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