What is creativity?
Use of the imagination, original ideas,
Thinking differently than other people
Being innovative – pure ideas
Combining and recombining ideas in unique ways
Thinking more thoroughly
The creative process:
- When does it happen? All the time
- How does it happen? Without working too hard
- Doing shit
- *Marc Rubin has been removed from the group chat*
- In groups
- Relying on outside / different sources
- In the shower 🙂
- The flow state
What is flight?
- Life or death
- You get shoved out of the nest
- Has to be an instinct
- Comes naturally (to birds)
Sum total of all internal and external forces
Emergence: occurs when an entity is observed to have properties or behaviors that its parts do not have on its own
Blog Post Part 1
Tenet 1: Interdependence:
The interactive effect of tasks, goals, and feedback combinations. A state in which all firms in a market or players in a game, though in competition, are dependent on the actions and strategies of all the other firms or players in that market or game.
Our simple words: How different aspects all work together, relate to one another, and rely on each other.
Example: Behaviors in a region are interdependent when it comes to getting ebola.
Additional Example: Correlation between grain spawn sterility and the resulting bacteria levels in the substrate bags.
Tenet 2: Holism:
The idea that all of the properties of a given system—whether physical, biological, chemical, social, economic, mental, or linguistic—cannot be determined or explained by their component parts alone. Instead, the system as a whole determines how the parts behave.
Example: Every input for mushrooms is all worthless but when they come together a valuable product is created.
Our simple words: The whole make up something greater than the sum of its parts.
Tenet 3: Multifinality
Example: Mushrooms
- Jawara gets money and satisfaction from working on the job.
- People get mushrooms and more ability
- Marc and Belle receiving work experience, satisfaction from the job.
Definition: The same group of inputs is able to result in multiple potentially unrelated end products. (The whole point of probability).. Subsystems meet goals and contribute to the larger systems goals.
Tenet 4: Equifinality:
Example: There are multiple ways to grow and oyster mushrooms (3 main ones).
Example: Multiple groups in GSIF addressing maternal health.
Our simple words: There are many different ways to reach the same end.
Tenet 5: Differentiation:
Our simple definition: A method of identifying individual components of a large system
Example: Small stories building on each other and adding to the larger story. They’re different in that they each engage listeners in different ways and convey different aspects.
Mushrooms: Three main parts. Spawn. Substrate Pasteurization. Growth. All of these parts represent interdependence, differentiation, and holism.
Tenet 6: Regulation
Our definition: ensure that the system is actually working and all stakeholders are accountable to each other and the system
Our simple definition: keeping people accountable
Example: How to ensure that Jawara is doing what he needs to be doing.
Tenet 7: Abstraction: Basically your start at the nitty-gritty detail of either an idea or point and then taking steps back until you can begin to grasp how things play together.
Example: We believe that bats transmit Ebola to humans, but this comes from the fact the bats are in the woods and have the disease, they can give it to multiple animals before it even makes it to a human. Then you have the health works trying to solve this from a urban point of view, then you can go higher all the way back to the ministry of health planning. When you look at how bats lead Ebola to Humans, you can get different answers from different views.
Tenet 8: Leverage Points
Definition: The point(s) that would create the most change. Small shifts in one thing can produce big changes in everything.
Example: Malnutrition, if we give them what they need, they will do better in school, in life, won’t have as many problems in relation to health.
Examples: The barriers to entries of the mushroom market are all non-tangible like knowledge. All the inputs are waste products so the biggest leverage point is education.
Part Two
The Concept of Emergence:
In simple words the concept of emergence is when someone’s creativity has caught on and begins to spread. Something new is becoming popular or well known enough for it to be considered “a thing”. An example of an emergent system that creates a sustainable and scalable social venture is…. Exactly what all of us are trying to do. GRO mushroom project is an emergent system because no one has been able to thus far create a zero energy or zero waste way to grow mushrooms on agwaste. Their venture is sustainable in that it works of waste and doesn’t negatively impact the environment. They’re still working on the scaleable part but the idea is the slow spread of ideas and the sale of GRO mushrooms structures.
Solutions to Water Hyacinth:
The solution to the problem:
- Advertise you are paying people to collect it for you. We will pay individuals the market rate for the amount of hyacinth. This will mean that people who collect it will make money, and they will provide the Entrepreneur with what she needs. This may slightly increase the price of the briquettes or composite but will solve the problem for collecting and put the community at ease. Instead of the entrepreneur owning all parts of the briquette market she will allow the community to supply her giving them an idea of control and benefit that they did not see before. This won’t significantly change any of the process in any way. Additionally, we could also only accept less hydrated hyacinth, which cuts done on the cost of the Entrepreneur in processing.