1989 Articles

“Miniemulsion Copolymerization of Styrene Methyl Methacrylate”, V.S. Rodriguez, M.S. El Aasser, J.M. Asua and C.A. Silebi, J. of Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem., 27, 3659-3671 (1989).

“The Free Radical Distribution in Emulsion Polymerization Using Oil Soluble Initiators”, J.M. Asua, V.S. Rodriguez, E.D. Sudol and M.S. El Aasser, J. of Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem., 27, 3569-3587 (1989).

“Radical Desorption in Emulsion Polymerization”, J.M. Asua, E.D. Sudol, and M.S. El Aasser, J. Polym. Sci.: Part A: Polym. Chem., 27, 3903-3913 (1989).

“Preparation of Highly Sulfonated Polystyrene Model Colloids”, J.H. Kim, M. Chainey, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem., 27, 3187-3199 (1989).

“Dielectric Properties of Cleaned and Monodisperse Polystyrene Latexes in Microwaves”, F. Henry, C. Pichot, A. Kamel and M.S. El Aasser, Colloid Polym. Sci., 267, 48-58 (1989).

“Dynamic Modeling and State Estimation for an Emulsion Copolymerization Reactor”, J. Dimitratos, C. Georgakis, M.S. El Aasser and A. Klein, Computer Chem. Eng., 13, 21-33 (1989).

“Interparticle Monomer Transport in Miniemulsions”, V.S. Rodriguez, J. Delgado, C.A. Silebi and M.S. El  Aasser, I&EC Research, 28, 65 (1989).

“Miniemulsion Copolymerization of Vinyl Acetate and Butyl Acrylate. III. Experimental Evidence for the Role of the Cosurfactant”, J. Delgado, M.S. El Aasser, C.A. Silebi and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. Polym. Sci.: Part A: Polym. Chem., 27, 193-202 (1989).

“Microemulsion Polymerization of Styrene”, J.S. Guo, M.S. El Aasser and J.W. Vanderhoff, in Polymer Association Structures, Microemulsions and Liquid Crystals, M.A. El Nokaly, editor, ACS Symposium Series No. 384, Washington, D.C., pp. 86-99 (1989).

“Microemulsion Polymerization of Styrene”, J.S. Guo, M.S. El Aasser and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. Polym. Sci.: Part A: Polym. Chem., 27, 691710 (1989).

“Steady Shear and Linear Viscoelastic Material Properties of Associative Thickener Solutions”, R.D. Jenkins, C. A. Silebi, and M. S. El-Aasser, Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, 61, 629-633 (1989).

1988 Articles

“Theory of Colloids”, J.W. Vanderhoff and M.S. El Aasser, in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms: Disperse Systems, H.A. Lieberman, M.M. Rieger, and G.S. Banker, Eds., Volume I, Marcel Dekker, N.Y.,  pp. 93-149, (1988).

“The Role of the Cosurfactant in the Miniemulsion Copolymerization of Vinyl Acetate and n Butyl Acrylate”, J. Delgado, M.S. El Aasser, C.A. Silebi and J.W. Vanderhoff, Makromol. Chem., Macromol. Symp., 20/21, 545-556 (1988).

“Preparation of Large Particle Size Monodisperse Latexes in a Rotating Cylinder Reactor”, J.H. Kim, E.D. Sudol, M.S. El Aasser, J.W. Vanderhoff, and D.M.  Kornfeld, Chem. Eng. Sci., 43(8), 2025 (1988).

“Sulfonated Latex Particle as Acid Catalysts for the Continuous Inversion of Sucrose”, J.H. Kim, M.S. El  Aasser, A. Klein, and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. App. Polym. Sci., 35, 2117-2131 (1988).

“Miniemulsion Copolymerization of Vinyl Acetate and Butyl Acrylate. II. Mathematical Model for the Monomer Transport”, J. Delgado, M.S. El Aasser, C.A. Silebi, J.W. Vanderhoff, and J. Guillot, J. Polym. Sci.: Part B: Polymer Physics, 26, 1495-1517 (1988).

“Morphology and Characterization of Multiphase Composite Latex Systems”, E.S. Daniels, M.S. El Aasser, A. Klein, and J.W. Vanderhoff, Polym. Mater. Sci. & Eng., 58, 1104 (1988).

“Particle Morphology of Composite Latexes Prepared by Seeded Emulsion Polymerization”, V.L. Dimonie, M.S. El  Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, Polym. Mater. Sci. & Eng., 58, 821 (1988).

“Mathematical Simulation of the Interparticle Monomer Transport in Miniemulsions”, V.S. Rodriguez, J. Delgado, C.A. Silebi, and M.S. El Aasser, Polym. Mater. Sci. & Eng., 58, 761 (1988).

“Dispersion Polymerization of Styrene in Ethanol: Monomer Partitioning  and Locus of Polymerization”, Y.Y. Lu, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. Polym. Sci.: Part B: Polym. Physics, 26 1187-1203 (1988).

“The Miniemulsification Process   Different Form of Spontaneous Emulsification”, M.S. El Aasser, C.D. Lack, J.W. Vanderhoff and F.M. Fowkes, Colloids and Surfaces, 29 103-118 (1988).

“Uniform Nonspherical Latex Particles as Model Interpenetrating Polymer Networks”, H.R. Sheu, M.S. El Aasser and J.W. Vanderhoff, Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng., 59, 1185-9 (1988).

“Flow properties of Concentrated Solutions of Associative Thickeners”, R.D. Jenkins, C. A. Silebi and M. S. El-Aasser, Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, 59, 1033-1037 (1988)

“Infrared Studies on the Grafting Reactions of Poly(Vinyl Alcohol) During the Emulsion Copolymerization of Vinyl Acetate and Butyl Acrylate”, N.J. Earhart, V. Dimonie, M. S. El-Aasser and J. W. Vanderhoff, Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, 59, 471-473 (1988)

108. “Emulsification of Eutetic Salt Mixtures in Fluid Vehicles”, J.W. Vanderhoff, M.S. El Aasser and T.W. Hawkins, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 872, 79-91 (1988).

1987 Articles

“Phase Domain Formation in Latex Interpenetrating Polystyrene Networks”, H.R. Sheu, M.S. El Aasser and J.W. Vanderhoff, Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng., 57, 911-15 (1987).

“The First Products Made in Space: Monodisperse Latex Particles”, J.W. Vanderhoff, M.S. El Aasser, F.J. Micale, E.D. Sudol, C.M. Tseng and H.R. Sheu, Polym. Prepr. (Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Polym. Chem.), 28, 455-6 (1987).

“TEM Analysis of Core/Shell Latex Morphology”, O.L. Shaffer, M.S. El Aasser and J.W. Vanderhoff, Proceedings Annual Mtg., Electron Microsc. Soc. Am., 45th, 502-3 (1987).

“Photoinitiated Polymerization of Styrene in Microemulsions”, P.L. Kuo, N.J. Turro, C.M. Tseng, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, Macromolecules, 20, 1216 (1987).

“Liquid Crystals in Dilute Mixed Emulsifier Sodium Lauryl Sulfate/Fatty Alcohol Solutions”, C.D. Lack, M.S. El Aasser, C.A. Silebi, J.W. Vanderhoff and F.M. Fowkes, Langmuir, 3, 1155 (1987).

“Particle Nucleation in Vinyl Acetate Butyl Acrylate Miniemulsion Copolymerization”, J. Delgado, M.S. El  Aasser, C.A. Silebi and J.W. Vanderhoff, Polymeric Materials Sci. & Eng., 57, 976-980 (1987).

“Microemulsion Polymerization of Styrene”, J.S. Guo, M.S. El Aasser and J.W. Vanderhoff, Polymeric Materials Sci. & Eng., 57, 938-942 (1987).

“Sulfonated Latex Particles as Acid Catalysts, in the Continuous Inversion of Sucrose”, J.H. Kim, M.S. El Aasser, A. Klein and J.W. Vanderhoff, Polymeric Materials Sci. & Eng., 57, 819-824 (1987).

“Monomer Distribution and Transport in Miniemulsion Copolymerization”, J. Delgado, M.S. El Aasser, C.A. Silebi, J.W. Vanderhoff and J. Guillot, in Future Directions in Polymer Colloids, M.S. El Aasser and R.M. Fitch, Eds., NATO ASI Series E: Applied Sciences No. 138, Dordrecht,  79-104 (1987).

“A Polymer Thin film Technique to Study the Micromorphology of Core/Shell Latexes”, O.L. Shaffer, V.L. Dimonie, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. Polym. Sci.: Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 25, 2595-2603 (1987).

“Process Parameters and Their Effect on Grafting Reactions in Core/Shell Latexes”, M.P. Merkel, V.L. Dimonie, M.S. El Aasser and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. Polym. Sci.: Part A: Polymer Chem., 25, 1755-1767 (1987).

“The First Products Made in Space: Monodisperse Latex Particles”, J.W. Vanderhoff, M.S. El Aasser, D.M. Kornfeld, F.J. Micale, E.D. Sudol, C.M. Tseng, and H.R. Sheu, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 87, 213-223 (1987).

95 “Morphology and Grafting Reactions in Core/Shell Latexes”, M.P. Merkel, V.L. Dimonie, M.S. El Aasser and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. Polym. Sci.: Part A: Polymer Chem., 25, 1219-1233 (1987).

1986 Articles


“The Role of Water Solubility of the Oil Phase in the Formation of Miniemulsions”, W.M. Brouwer, M.S. El Aasser and J.W. Vanderhoff, Colloids and Surfaces, 21, 69-86 (1986).

“Kinetics of Successive Seeding of Monodisperse Polystyrene Latexes. II. Azo Initiators with and without Inhibitors,” E.D. Sudol, M.S. El Aasser and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. Polym. Sci.: Part A: Polymer Chem., 24, 3515-3527 (1986).

“Kinetics of Successive Seeding of Monodisperse Polystyrene Latexes. I. Initiation via Potassium Persulfate,” E.D. Sudol, M.S. El Aasser and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. Polym. Sci.: Part A: Polymer Chem., 24, 3499-3513 (1986).

“Uniform Polymer Particles by Dispersion Polymerization in Alcohol”, C.M. Tseng, Y.Y. Lu, M.S. El Aasser and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. Polym. Sci.: Part A: Polymer Chem., 24, 2995-3007 (1986).

“Optimization of Polymer Solvent Interaction in a Multisolvent System by the UNIFAC Group Contribution Method”, C. Tseng, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. of Applied Polymer Sci., 32, 5007-5019 (1986).

“Development and Testing of a Space Flight Dilatometer/ Reactor”, E.D. Sudol, F.J. Micale, M.S.  El Aasser and J.W. Vanderhoff, Review of Scientific Instruments, 57(9), 2332-2338, (1986).

“Kinetics of Agitation Induced Coagulation of High Solid Latexes”, V. Lowry, M.S. El Aasser, J.W. Vanderhoff, A. Klein and C.A. Silebi, J. Colloid & Interface Sci., 112, No. 2, 521-529, (1986).

“Inverse Emulsion Polymerization of Acrylamide: Anomalous Behavior of Tetronic 1102 Emulsifier”, J.W. Vanderhoff, D.L. Visioli, and M.S. El Aasser, Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, 54, 375-380 (1986).

“Miniemulsion Copolymerization of Vinyl Acetate and Butyl Acrylate”, J. Delgado, M.S. El Aasser, C.A. Silebi, and J.W. Vanderhoff, Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, 54, 444-448 (1986).

“Uniform Polymer Particles by Dispersion Polymerization in Alcohol”, C.M. Tseng, Y.Y. Lu, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, 54, 362-366 (1986).

“Emulsion Copolymerization of 2 Ethylhexyl Acrylate with Acrylic Acid and Methacrylic Acid”, F.V. Loncar, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, 54, 453-456 (1986).

“Preparation of Large Particle Size Monodisperse Latexes in Space”, J.W. Vanderhoff, M.S. El Aasser, F.J. Micale, E.D. Sudol, C.M. Tseng, A. Silwanowicz, H.R. Sheu, and D.M. Kornfeld, Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, 54, 587-592 (1986).

“Polymethyl Methacrylate Grafting Reactions Inside Polybutadiene Seeded Latexes”, M.P. Merkel, V.L. Dimonie, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, 54, 598-602 (1986).

“Miniemulsion Copolymerization of Vinyl Acetate and Butyl Acrylate. I. Differences between the Miniemulsion Copolymerization and the Emulsion Copolymerization Processes”, J. Delgado, M.S. El Aasser and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. of Polym. Sci.: Part A: Polym. Chemistry, 24, 861-874 (1986).

“Inverse Emulsion Polymerization of Acrylamide. I. Contribution to The Study of Some Mechanistic Aspects”, C. Graillat, C. Pichot, A. Guyot and M.S. El Aasser, J. Polym. Sci.: Part A Polym. Chem., 24, 427-449 (1986).

“Rheology and Particle Interaction of Thickened Latex”, J.T. Lin, M.S. El Aasser, C.A. Silebi, and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. Colloid and Interface Science, 110, 305-316 (1986).

1985 Articles

“Polymerization of Styrene Miniemulsions”, Y.T. Choi, E.D. Sudol, J.W. Vanderhoff and M.S. El Aasser, J. Polymer Sci., Polym. Chem. Ed., 23, 2973-2987 (1985).

“Electrodeposition from Latex and Latex/Resin Systems”, E.D. Sudol and M.S. El Aasser, I&EC Product Research & Development, 24, p. 550-560 (1985)

76. “Characterization of Surface Endgroups in Polystyrene Latexes”, R.M. Jayasuriya, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. Ed., 23, 2819-2832, (1985).

“Mechanism of Core/Shell Emulsion Polymerization”, D.R. Stutman, A. Klein, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, I&EC Product Research & Development, 24, p. 404-412 (1985).

74 “Emulsion Copolymerization of Azeotropic Styrene Acrylonitrile Monomer Mixture in Polystyrene Seed Latexes”, J.W. Vanderhoff, V. Dimonie, M.S. El Aasser, and A. Klein,  Makromol. Chem. Suppl., 10/11, 391-402 (1985).

“Swelling of Carboxyl Containing Copolymer Latexes”, M.S. El Aasser, F.V. Loncar, Jr., and J.W. Vanderhoff, Makromol. Chem. Suppl., 10/11, p. 335-357 (1985).

“Interfacial Phenomena of Miniemulsions”, C.D. Lack, M.S. El Aasser, J.W. Vanderhoff and F.M. Fowkes, in Macro  and Microemulsions: Theory and Practice, D.O. Shah, Editor, ACS Series No. 272, p. 345-356 (1985).

“Structural Imperfections in Poly(Vinyl Acetates) “, H.J. Yue, D. J. Nagy, R. M. Jayasuriya, M. S. El-Aasser and J. W. Vanderhoff, Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, 52, 537-544 (1985).

Effect of Particle’s Morphology on Grafting Reactions in Core/Shell Latexes”, M.P. Merkel, V. L. Dimonie, M. S. El-Aasser and J. W. Vanderhoff, Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, 52, 320-324 (1985).

“Quantitative Aspects of Thin Layer Chromatography   FID of Polymers”, V.L. Dimonie, M.S. El Aasser and J.W. Vanderhoff in Techniques and Applications of Thin Layer Chromatography, J.C. Touchstone, Editor, Wiley, pp. 243-259 (1985).

“Alkali Swellability of Carboxylated Poly(2-Ethylhexyl Acrylate) Latexes”, F. V. Loncar, M. S. El-Aasser and J. W. Vanderhoff, Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, 52, 299-303 (1985).

1984 Articles

“Surface Sealing of Microvoid Latex Paints by Exclusion of Small Diameter Latex Particles”, D.P. Durbin, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, I&EC Product Research & Development, 23, 569-572 (1984).

“Mechanical Coagulation in Emulsion Polymerizations”, V. Lowry, M.S. El Aasser, A. Klein, and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. Applied Polym. Sci., 29, 3925-3935 (1984).

“Interfacial Aspects of Miniemulsions and Miniemulsion Polymers”, M.S. El Aasser, C.D. Lack, Y.T. Choi, T.I. Min, J.W. Vanderhoff, and F.M. Fowkes, Colloids and Surfaces, 12, 79-97 (1984).

“The Influence of Colloidal Stability on Critical Pigment Volume Concentration (CPVC)”, A.I. Ranka, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. Disp. Sci. & Tech., 5, 403-420 (1984).

“Inverse Emulsion Polymerization of Acrylamide: Polymerization Kinetics and Process Development”, J.W. Vanderhoff, F.V. DiStefano, M.S. El Aasser, R. O’Leary, O.M. Shaffer, D.L. Visioli, J. Disp. Sci. & Tech., 5, 323-364 (1984).

“Kinetic Studies of Semi Batch Emulsion Copolymerization of 80:20 Vinyl Acetate Butyl Acrylate”, T. Makgawinata, M.S. El Aasser, A. Klein, and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. Disp. Sci. & Tech. 5, 301-322 (1984).

“Preparation of Large Particle Size Monodisperse Latexes in Space: Polymerization Kinetics and Process Development”, J.W. Vanderhoff, M.S. El Aasser, F.J. Micale, E.D. Sudol, C.M. Tseng, A. Silwanowicz, D.M. Kornfeld, and F.A. Vicente, J. Disp. Sci. & Tech., 5, 231-246 (1984).

“Angular Displacement Measurement System for Use in Damped Torsion Pendulums”, D.P. Durbin, H.C. Henning, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 55(9), 1495 -1497 (1984).

“Core Shell Emulsion Copolymerization of Styrene and Acrylonitrile on Polystyrene Seed Particles”, V. Dimonie, M.S. El Aasser, A. Klein, and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. Polym. Sci., Polymer Chem., 22, 2197-2215 (1984).

“Prediction of the Microstructure of Vinyl Acetate  Alkyl Acrylate Ester Emulsion Copolymers Based on Solubility Parameters”, R.M. Jayasuriya, M.S. El  Aasser, A. Klein, J.W. Vanderhoff, and H.J. Yue, Polymer Materials Sci. & Eng., 51, 766-777 (1984).

“Implementation of Multiphase Sequence in NMR Spectroscopy for Copolymer Characterization”, H. Yue, W. Daniels, R.M. Jayasuriya, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W.  Vanderhoff, Polymer Materials Sci. & Eng., 50, 261-270  (1984).

56.“Kinetics And Mechanism of Inverse Emulsion Polymerization”, D.L. Visioli,  M. S. El-Aasser and J. W. Vanderhoff, Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering, 51, 258-262 (1984).

“Kinetics and Mechanism of Film Growth for the Cathodic Electrodeposition Process from Epoxy Resin Curing Latexes”, M.S. El Aasser, J.W. Vanderhoff, A. Humayun, C.C. Ho, and M.F. Abdel Bary, J. Coatings Tech., 56, (713), 37-42 (1984).

“Adsorption Desorption Behavior of Polyvinyl Alcohol on Polystyrene Latex Particles”, M.S. Ahmed, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, in Polymer Adsorption and Dispersion Stability, E.D. Goddard and B. Vincent, editors, ACS Symposium Series No. 240, Washington, D.C.,  pp. 77-94 (1984).

1983 Articles

“Phosphotungstic Acid Staining of Latexes for Transmission Electron Microscopy”, O.L. Shaffer, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, in “Proc. Electron Microscopic Soc. Am.”, 41st An. Meet.; G.W. Bailey editor, S. Francisco Press, San Francisco, p.30 (1983).

“Morphology and Grafting in Polybutylacrylate  Polystyrene Core Shell Emulsion Polymerization”, T.I. Min, A. Klein, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. Polymer Sci.: Polymer Chem., 21, 2845-2861 (1983).

“The Role of Low Concentrations of Ionic Emulsifier   Fatty Alcohol Mixtures in the Emulsification of Styrene”, W.L. Grimm, T.I. Min, M.S. El Aasser. and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. Colloid and Interface Sci., 94(2), 531-545, (1983).

“Batch and Semicontinuous Emulsion Copolymerization of Vinyl Acetate Butyl Acrylate. II. Morphological and Mechanical Properties of Copolymer Latex Films”, S.C. Misra, C. Pichot, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. Polymer Sci.: Polymer Chem., 21, 2383 -2396 (1983).

“Batch and Semicontinuous Emulsion Copolymerization of Vinyl Acetate Butyl Acrylate. I. Bulk, Surface and Colloidal Properties of Copolymer Latexes”, M.S. El Aasser, T. Makgawinata, J.W. Vanderhoff, and C. Pichot, J. Polymer Sci.: Polymer Chem., 21, 2363-  2382 (1983).

“Methods of Latex Cleaning”, M.S. El Aasser, in Science and Technology of Polymer Colloids, G.W. Poehlein, R.H. Ottewill, and J.W. Goodwin editors, NATO/ASI Series E: Applied Science   No. 68, Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, pp. 422-448 (1983).

“Multiple Oil in Water in Oil Emulsions of Extremely Fine Droplet Size”, F.V. DiStefano, O.L. Shaffer, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, Colloid and Interface Science, 92, 269-272, (1983).

1982 Articles

“Mathematical Treatment of the Emulsification of Benzene and Styrene in Aqueous Hexadecyltrimethylammonium Bromide Cetyl Alcohol Mixtures”, Y.J. Chou. M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, in Computer Applications in Applied Polymer Science, T. Provder, editor, ACS Symposium Series No. 197, Washington, D.C., pp. 399-425 (1982).

“Modeling the Equilibrium Swelling of Latex Particles with Monomers”, C.M. Tseng, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, in Computer Applications in Applied Polymer Science, T. Provder, editor, ACS Symposium Series No. 197, Washington, D.C., pp. 197-207 (1982).

“Cleaning Polystyrene Latexes for Surface Characterization”, A. Kamel, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. Colloid Interface Sci., 87, 537-542 (1982).

“Acid Base Interaction of Polymeric Vehicles with the Corrosion Products of Iron”, J.W. Vanderhoff, L.M.  Bennetch. M.J. Cantow, K.A. Earhart, M.S. El Aasser, T.C. Huang, M.H. Kang, J.A. Manson, F.J. Micale, O.L. Shaffer, and D.W. Timmons, Organic Coatings and Plastics Chem., 46, 12-16 (1982).

“New Aspects of Core Shell Emulsion Polymerization   Polybutyl Acrylate and Styrene Pair Systems”, T.I. Min, A. Klein, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, Organic Coatings and Plastics Chem., 46, 314-21 (1982).

1981 Articles

“The Preparation and Surface Characterization of an Ideal Model Colloid”, A. Kamel, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. Dispersion Sci. and Technology, 2, 183-214 (1981).

“Concerning the Origin of Charge at the Polystyrene Particle/Water Interface”, A. Kamel, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. Dispersion Sci. and Technology, 2, 315 (1981).

“Preparation, Characterization and Properties of Vinyl Acetate   Butyl Acrylate Copolymer Latexes”, M.S. El Aasser, T. Makgawinata, S. Misra, J.W. Vanderhoff, C. Pichot, and M.F. Llauro; in Emulsion Polymerization of Vinyl Acetate, M.S. El Aasser and J.W. Vanderhoff, Editors, Applied Science, London,, pp. 215-52 (1981).

“Preparation and Characterization of Alkali Swellable Carboxylated Latexes”, S. Nishida, M.S. El Aasser, A. Klein and J.W. Vanderhoff; in Emulsion Polymers and Emulsion Polymerization, D.R. Bassett and A.E. Hamielec, Editors, ACS Symposium Series No. 165, Washington, D.C., pp. 291-314 (1981).

“The Relationship Between the Electrophoretic Mobility and the Adsorption of Ions on Polystyrene Latex”, C.M. Ma, F.J. Micale, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff; in Emulsion Polymers and Emulsion Polymerization, D.R. Bassett and A.E. Hamielec, Editors, ACS Symposium Series No. 165, Washington, D.C.,PP. 252-62 (1981).

“Kinetics and Film Growth by Cathodic Electrodeposition of Epoxy Latexes”, C.C. Ho, A. Humayun, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff; in Proceedings of 2nd World Congress of Chemical Engineering, 3, pp. 217-220 (1981).

“Modeling the Equilibrium Swelling of Latex Particles with Monomers”, C.M. Tseng, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, Organic Coatings and Plastic Chemistry, 45, 317-32 (1981).

“A Mathematical Treatment of Emulsification of Benzene in Mixed Emulsifier Systems”, Y.J. Chou, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, Organic Coatings and Plastic Chemistry, 45, 602-06 (1981).

“Some Aspects of Cathodic Electrodeposition of Epoxy Latexes and Corrosion Resistant Coatings”, C.C. Ho, A. Humayun, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff; in Corrosion Control by Coatings, H. Leidheiser, Jr., Editor, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, Texas, pp. 111-21.(1981)

“Preparation, Surface and Colloidal Properties of (Vinyl Acetate Butyl Acrylate) Copolymer Latexes   Effect of Emulsion Polymerization Process and Copolymer Composition”, T. Makgawinata, M.S. El Aasser, J.W. Vanderhoff, and C. Pichot, Acta Polymerica, 32, 10, 583 (1981).

1980 Articles

“Cleaning Latexes for Surface Characterization by Serum Replacement”, S.M. Ahmed, M.S. El Aasser, G.H. Pauli, G.W. Poehlein, and J.W. Vanderhoff, J. Colloid & Interface Sci., 73, 388-405 (1980).

“Mechanism of Emulsification of Styrene Using Hexadecyltrimethyl-Ammonium Bromide Cetyl Alcohol Mixtures”, Y.J. Chou. M.S. El Aasser, and J.W.  Vanderhoff, J. Dispersion Sci. and Tech., 1(2), 129-150 (1980).

“Surface Characterization of Polymeric Latexes by Gas Adsorption”, F.J. Micale, J.W. Vanderhoff, M.S. El Aasser, A.C. Ying, N.A. Marshall and J.M. Hanna, Organic Coatings and Plastics Chemistry Preprints, 42, 38 (1980).

“Surface and Colloidal Properties of Vinyl Acetate Butyl Acrylate Copolymer Latexes”, M.S. El Aasser, T. Makgawinata, J.W. Vanderhoff and C. Pichot, Organic Coatings and Plastics Chemistry Preprints, 42, 44 (1980).

“The Photoinitiated Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene   A Feasibility Study”, E.D. Sudol, M.S. El Aasser, F.J. Micale, and J.W. Vanderhoff, Organic Coatings and Plastics Chemistry Preprints 42, 162 (1980).

“Rapid Measurement of Adsorption Isotherms of Emulsifiers on Latex Particles”, S.M. Ahmed, M.S. El Aasser, F.J. Micale, G.W. Poehlein, and J.W. Vanderhoff, in Polymer Colloids II, R.M. Fitch, Ed., Plenum, New York, pp. 265-288 (1980).

“Application of the Serum Replacement Technique in the Characterization of an Ethyl Acrylate Methyl Methacrylate Copolymer Latex”, M.S. El Aasser, S.M. Ahmed, G.W. Poehlein, J.W. Vanderhoff, X. Rovira, J.T. Tabernero, and P. de la Morena, in Polymer Colloids II, R.M. Fitch, Ed., Plenum, New York, pp. 361-378 (1980).

“Mechanism of Emulsification of Styrene Using Hexadecyltrimethyl Ammonium Bromide Cetyl Alcohol Mixtures”, Y.J. Chou, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, in Polymer Colloids II, R.M. Fitch, Ed., Plenum, New York, pp. 599-618 (1980).

“Synthesis of Monodisperse Polystyrene Latexes and Controlled Surface Charge Density”, S.M. Ahmed, M.S. El Aasser, G.W. Poehlein, and J.W. Vanderhoff, Organic Coatings and Plastics Chemistry, 43, 120–125 (1980).

“Preparation of Coatings Latexes by Emulsification”, M.S. El Aasser, J.D. Hoffman, J.A. Manson, and J.W. Vanderhoff, Organic Coatings and Plastics Chemistry, 43, 136-141 (1980).

“The Relationship between the Electrophoretic Mobility and the Adsorption of Ions on Polystyrene Latex”, C.M. Ma, F.J. Micale, M.S. El Aasser, and J.W. Vanderhoff, Organic Coatings and Plastics Chemistry, 43, 358-362 (1980).

“Preparation and Characterization of Alkali Swellable Carboxylated Latexes”, S. Nishida, M.S. El Aasser, A. Klein, and J.W. Vanderhoff, Organic Coatings and Plastic Chemistry, 43, 435–440 (1980).