Professional Activities
El-Aasser has been involved in numerous and varied professional activities on local, national and international levels during his 46 years of tenure at Lehigh.
On a local level, he gave talks at elementary schools sharing the excitement of conducting experiments in microgravity on board of the space shuttles COLUMBIA and CHALLENGER for making polymer spheres. At Lehigh University he provided leaderships to various academic units. Externally on a national and international levels he organized several annual summer short courses on emulsion polymerization and latex technology with more than 5000 industrial participants, acted as a consultant in his field of expertise to numerous industrial companies both in the US and a number of other countries, provided services to various professional organizations such as the Gordon Research Conference, the American Chemical Society(ACS), The American Institute for Chemical Engineering AICHE) and the Institute of International Education (IIE), including organizing meetings, symposia and workshops. Acted as a reviewer to various scientific journal and funding agencies, and served on the advisory boards of several scientific journals.
See the menu for highlights of four primary areas.